Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1172 Chao Yun’s Thoughts (2)

Chao Yun looked at the direction where Tuoba Liang disappeared and said calmly: "Miss, it's not that I'm heartless, it's just that this world is so unfair to us women. Once a woman gives up her heart, her future life will be like this Just like a kite, it is always in the hands of others. If they let you fly, you can fly. If they let you fall, you can fall. Even if they let you turn into ashes, you have no other choice.  "

"The young prince is too good, and he will definitely face many choices and temptations in the future. Maybe he can refuse the temptation for the first or second time. Who knows what will happen in the future? I don't dare to gamble with my life. I can't afford to gamble and I can't afford to lose, so I don't want to get married. As long as I can spend this life alone and comfortably, I will be satisfied."

I didn't expect Chaoyun to have such thoughts. No wonder when she was asked to pretend to be ugly, she agreed without hesitation. It is said that women should look good to please themselves. Now that I think about it, she agreed so readily at that time. It was probably at that time I have decided not to marry for the rest of my life!

After listening to Chaoyun's words, Caiwei felt a little pity. Although she did not agree with Chaoyun's point of view, as Chaoyun said, if she gave her sincerity and Tuoba Liang changed her mind in the future, wouldn't it mean that Zhao Yun It was so bad that Caiwei didn't know what would happen in the future, so he couldn't force her. He just said one more thing: "Nothing is absolute. Maybe if you marry the young prince, your life will be happier!" "

Chaoyun said: "Leave aside the question of whether he will change his mind in the future, even if he treats me well all his life, I will never have anything to do with him because of the social status of a Mengnu woman. When I was in Dajin, I always felt that it was too difficult to be a woman in Dajin. Why was it that we were all human beings? Men could do anything and do whatever they wanted, but women had to abide by women's ways and follow the three obediences and four virtues. But since I came to Lingbei, I realized that it turned out that The women of Da Jin are not the worst, the status of women in Lingbei is even lower than that of women in Da Jin, even worse than beasts."

"Although they are human beings, they are regarded as the property of their father and husband, and can be given away, bought, sold, or even killed at will. When a woman marries her husband's family, anyone in her husband's family can beat, scold, or insult her at will. How many women are there? He was injured, maimed and even killed at his husband's house, but this was not the worst thing. The worst thing was the burial system of the Mongolian slaves."

"Once, I went to the northern suburbs of the royal city to buy wood. In a cemetery in the northern suburbs, I saw a scene that I will never forget. Around the cemetery of a recently deceased Monu noble, trees were planted like A group of young and beautiful women were buried in a circle. Different from the burials in our Jin Dynasty, those women were dug into pits and buried upright in the soil."

"Most of their bodies were buried in the soil, leaving only their shoulders and heads outside, as if they were built in. The exposed shoulders and heads were struggling feebly, howling and wailing, It took several days to die, and some would be eaten by wild beasts that came to look for food. The scene was simply too horrible to watch. Later I learned that in Mennu, no matter whether they are nobles or commoners, as long as the husband dies, the wife will die. To be buried like this, it's just that only one woman is buried alive in the grave of a poor man, while the nobles bury several more!"

"For this reason, I will never marry a Mengnu person. You can laugh at my reality or your cowardice, but as long as I think of the scene I saw that day, I will definitely not be able to accept the Mengnu people's feelings. Of course, besides this, there are other reasons... So, miss, I don’t plan to get married again in this life. I will comb my own hair in three to five years. After I return to Dajin, I will buy three acres. Land, just set up a female household and live a quiet life alone..."

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