Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1173 Chao Yun’s Thoughts (3)

Caiwei could no longer hear clearly what Chaoyun said behind her. All she could think of was the scene of poor women half-buried in the ground waiting to die, or being eaten by wild beasts. It was too bloody and cruel...

Caiwei said: "This ugly custom of sacrificial burial is more cruel than the daughter's ceremony, and it must be changed!"

How to change it? She has already thought about it. The Mengnu people are ignorant and rude, and it is absolutely impossible to use force to change the rules handed down from their ancestors. Therefore, they can only think of ways to change this through the mouth of their revered God Karen. What a bad habit!

Chaoyun had made up her mind. After Caiwei heard about Meng Nu's burial, she no longer interfered with her decision and allowed her to do as she wished!

After learning about Chaoyun, Caiwei went to collect the glass in the warehouse under Du Yongqi's supervision. She was leaving in the evening, and the tens of thousands of pieces of glass stored in the warehouse had not yet been stored in the space.

While passing by a brothel, she suddenly heard a heartbreaking scream and howl coming from inside.

Caiwei frowned, and a ball of anger suddenly rose in her heart!

Although she advocated the development of the pornographic industry in Lingbei, she did not allow the phenomenon of forcing girls into prostitution, let alone the launch of perverted businesses. At this moment, the woman's cries she heard were obviously not caused by excitement, but They are suffering inhuman torture.

Someone is forcing girls into prostitution, or is doing something cruel and perverted!

Immediately, Caiwei became angry. She rushed in angrily and shouted at the bustard to get out.

After coming here for a few days, most people on the commercial street already knew her and knew that she was the owner of this commercial street. Therefore, when Caiwei called Madam in an aggressive manner, Madam had already greeted her with a smile on her face. Come over.

"Oh, Miss Mu, that gust of wind has blown you here. Come on, please sit inside!"


Caiwei interrupted her coldly, pointed to the place where the wailing and shouting were upstairs, and said sternly: "What's going on? Is mom forcing girls into prostitution?"

The Madam slapped her thigh and said loudly: "Ai Youwei, girl, you have wronged this young woman. The master upstairs was sent here by our Khan family. I don't know how that damn girl offended our family." Yes, Mrs. Yan specified that she must receive twenty customers every day, otherwise, she will be thrown naked into the street and allowed to be played by men!"

"The Yan family?"

Caiwei frowned, and suddenly thought of something, and said, "This Yan family from Mengnu was recently married by the Great Khan, brought back from other places?"

"That's right. I heard that Mrs. Yan is very beautiful and that Dahan is very kind to her!"

The Madam held up her handkerchief and described vividly how Tuoba Kui Khan was so kind to the Xinlan family, as if she had seen it with her own eyes.

Caiwei smiled. She hadn't seen Helanna for a long time. I wonder how she is doing now? However, according to the Madam, she seems to be living a good life now, but I don't know if it is really good or if Tuoba Kui is doing it deliberately for the outside world to see!

"Girl, please sit down, and the little lady will pour you tea!"

The Madam let Caiwei into the flower hall, and started pouring tea and serving fruits and melon seeds like a gust of wind!

Caiwei said: "No need to work too much. Ask your guests upstairs to stay. The girl is obviously not happy, but he insists on doing what he wants. How is this different from rape?"

The Madam said in embarrassment: "Miss Mu, the young lady also knows that this is not good, but Mrs. Yan..."

"I'll go talk to Mr. Yan!"

Caiwei interrupted her, her expression cold and stern, not allowing for comment.

"My commercial street will never allow this kind of forced prostitution to damage my credibility, even if it is an order from the Yan family. Go immediately and tell the man to stop his shameless behavior, and then take the woman Call me down, I want to see her."

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