Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1175 Chao Yun’s Thoughts (5)

The process of intercourse is indeed wonderful for men, because she is so tight there, but for Zhai Ping, it is tearing, healing, tearing, and healing again and again, which makes her miserable, and every time Every time she picked up a customer, she would be so painful that she screamed like a slaughtered pig!

It was even worse today. She picked up a strong man who was nearly 1.9 meters tall. The man was as strong as an iron tower. He had saved money for a long time in order to come here and enjoy it. Therefore, how could he scream for mercy by collecting bottles? , he refused to pity her in the slightest, and saw her torn wounds bleeding gurglingly, but he turned a blind eye and just enjoyed himself. If the Madam hadn't appeared in time, she would have fainted from the pain!

However, even if she didn't pass out, she would be close to passing out when she saw Caiwei now.

He fainted from anger!

The Caiwei in front of her looked exactly like her before. Her formerly yellow and thin face was now as fair and smooth as a shelled egg, with a faint layer of pink on it. Not to mention how beautiful she is, her big, timid eyes are now watery, like a pool of autumn water, and she seems to be able to see the whole thing at a glance. Her nose is straighter and more delicate than before, and her lips are also better than before. Redder and smoother, the whole person is more beautiful and noble than before.

She wore a gorgeous brocade-woven flower gown and a butterfly-white flower cloud and phoenix dance skirt. Her shiny black hair was pulled into a Luanfeng Lingyun bun, with a beaded coral bat flower hairpin inserted on it. A beaded flower strung with pink beads looks graceful, luxurious and dignified!

This bitch actually lived such a comfortable life, a thousand times better than her. She was just living, just living, but she was living so well!

Why? Why should she?

"Quick, come and see Miss Mu!"

The Madam interrupted Cai Ping's resentment with a rough voice, stretched out her hand and pushed her, signaling her to kneel down!

Cai Ping was already weak and unsteady on his feet. He was pushed by the Madam and staggered. He ran forward several steps and almost fell down.

Caiwei looked at the embarrassed Cai Ping and said calmly: "Forget it, she suffered a lot just now. You all can go down and I'll have a few words with her alone!"


The Madam blessed her body respectfully and went down with the girls.


Facing Caiping's angry eyes, Caiwei smiled leisurely: "Come on, you're not living a good life!"

Caiping looked at Caiwei who was sitting in the armchair and also laughed. The more she laughed, the harder she laughed. Finally, she laughed so exaggeratedly and indulgently that tears came out of her eyes.

Caiwei also smiled calmly, with no warmth in her eyes, and leaned lazily on the chair to watch her go crazy.

Finally laughing enough, Cai Ping wiped the tears from her face and said in a hateful voice: "Mu Caiwei, you came to see how embarrassed I am. In the past, our family was in charge, and your family was so humble." You are the one below, but now it’s the other way around. You are on top, but I have become a prostitute ridden by thousands of people, and straddled by thousands of people. Hahaha, you must be very proud, right?"

Caiwei straightened her skirt and said lightly: "A little bit!"

Mu Caiping chirped: "Mu Caiwei, you are a vicious and vicious bitch. You framed your grandparents, uncle, brother, and caused so much misery to our family. Aren't you afraid of retribution? People are doing this." , God is watching, God will definitely punish you, you will go to the eighteenth level of hell..."

"Mu Caiwei, I, Mu Caiping, will not let you go even if I become a ghost. I always remember who harmed me to this point. Even in the underworld, I will go to the underworld to complain..." "

Caiwei leaned back leisurely on the chair. After listening to her screams and curses, she said calmly: "If you want to go to the Lord of Hell to file a complaint, you can. However, I personally think that if the Lord of Hell can take care of these trivial matters, Son, you should have been taken away long ago when your family abused our family."

"As for the frame-up, you might as well think about who harmed whom first? Who deserves to go to the eighteenth level of hell? How many of your family have framed us over the years? Even Zhang Tuzi intercepted my mother in the town that day. , it was you who proposed to the old man and your father that you wanted to ruin the reputation of our mother and daughter. Now you feel like shooting yourself in the foot, haha. Also, you pretended to fall and poured boiling water on my face. You were also the one who disfigured me, right? Do you think the Lord of Hell will ignore the bad things you did? If you really think about it, your sins are probably much more serious than mine!"

Mu Caiping said excitedly: "Yes, I have plotted against you, but you are still sitting there aloof, but as for me, I have been destroyed, I have nothing, nothing..." "

By the end of her shouting, she was hysterical, her chest was heaving violently, and her pale and haggard face was turning red and purple from the deep hatred.

Caiwei snorted lightly and said calmly: "Then I can only blame you for your bad luck. Speaking of which, I only schemed against you once, but you don't know how many times you schemed against us? As a result, our family is now living You may be comfortable and wealthy, but your whole family has become like rats on the street. It seems that God is really wise and good will be rewarded with good and evil will be punished with evil!"

After saying that, he stood up leisurely and said with a smile: "I originally had good intentions and wanted to see who screamed so miserably and rescue her by the way. However, looking at it now, I don't need to offend Helanna for you. It’s Yan’s family!”

When Mu Caiping heard this, he was startled for a moment, then he laughed sinisterly and shouted at Caiwei's back as she walked out of the door: "Mu Caiwei, you said that on purpose because you wanted me to regret it and kneel at your feet to say goodbye to you." Just wag your tail and beg for mercy, bah! Go ahead and dream about your spring and autumn dreams. Let me tell you, I, Mu Caiping, will never bow to you. Sooner or later, I will let you taste the sins I have suffered twice..."

The sharp and mean yelling was exactly the same as Mu Bai's. Caiwei had a sullen face and really wanted to leave. However, although she hated Cai Ping as much as Cai Ping hated her, she had to help her because she She had her own principles. Cai Ping stayed in a brothel on the commercial street like this, wailing and crying every day, which had a very bad impact on her reputation on the commercial street. Therefore, she had to tell Tuoba Kui Khan that she could not do it anymore. Let her go on like this!

Before going to the king's tent, she first went to the warehouse and put all the glass stored in the warehouse into the space.

This batch of glass totaled 32,000 pieces. Du Yongqi, his wife and Aunt Liao had already counted the two extra pieces, recorded the amount, and were waiting for her to collect them.

In the past few days, she had cleared out a lot of things in the space, and many places were vacant. Therefore, these more than 30,000 pieces of glass were placed easily!

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