Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1176 Return to the Palace (1)

Before leaving Lingbei, she went to the king's tent to find Tuoba Kui and told him about the vase collection.

Tuoba Kui had seen Caiwei's magical power with his own eyes and had always been in awe of Caiwei. When Caiwei asked him to take charge of his Yan family, she would not be allowed to arrange for her to force women to sell themselves. When visiting the commercial street, Tuoba Kui agreed without saying a word.

After getting his promise, Caiwei left with peace of mind. After leaving the king's tent, she called out the white-haired tiger. Although it was not dark yet, Caiwei couldn't care less. She must return to Dajin as soon as possible. Go, after being out for so many days, the man must be very angry. If he goes back one day late, the man's resentment will double. Even if he goes back now, he may not know how angry he will be, and how to deal with her?

She was frightened just thinking about it!

At that moment, the white-haired tiger exerted all its strength, moved forward at full speed, and ran towards Dajin...

Although he ran with all his strength, Meng Nu's royal city was too far away from the capital of Jin Dynasty. At dawn, he only ran as far as Lin'an Mansion.

Caiwei was a little regretful that she couldn't rush back to the capital overnight, but thinking about the nursing home she opened in Lin'an Prefecture, she hadn't visited it for a long time, so she just took this opportunity to visit Yier. She felt regretful Slightly lessened.

At this time, it was still dark, and there was only a dim red light in the eastern sky. Caiwei took the white-haired tiger into the space, found a hiding place, and quietly entered the space.

After running around all night last night, she was tired and hungry. After entering the space, she entered her boudoir. She didn't even take off her clothes, so she threw herself on the couch and fell asleep...

At the same time, thousands of miles away in the palace of Liaodan Shengjing.

Saknu Khan sat on the throne with a gloomy face, looking at the guards kneeling at his feet with a sinister look, a pair of falcon-like eyes that almost tore them apart.

"It's a useless thing. If you can't complete the task, you can blame it on the ghost. If she were a ghost, how could she allow Ben Khan to live to this day?"

Twenty or so guards knelt on the ground, hearing the roar of the Khan. Although they were frightened, their desire to survive made them cry out in unison.

"Wise Khan, as warriors of Liao and Dan, we will never lie just because we can't complete the task. We all saw the scene that night. She is indeed not a human, but a ghost or undead. Humans cannot hang in the air. It won't disappear into thin air as soon as we get close..."

"Yes, sweating profusely, the corners of her mouth were still bleeding. It was extremely scary. When we fled back to the camp, a monkey with long eyebrows and a white-haired tiger as huge as a mountain suddenly appeared. These two beasts were together. Attack us, I think those two beasts were either sent by her or transformed by her!"

"Khan, that giant tiger is exactly the same as the one that took her away at the hunting ground. We all think that she was the one who played a trick when she was taken away..."

"Great Khan, we have been paying attention to the woman in Mengnu these days. Everyone said that she was a witch. She once rode a tiger alone to break into the king's tent of Mengnu. I don't know what she meant to Mengnu. What magic spell did the Great Khan cast? Otherwise, with Tuoba Kui's temperament, he would not have surrendered to the Jin Dynasty so easily..."

Everyone spoke sincerely, and Saknu couldn't help but think deeply about what you said.

Remember, the first time he saw that woman, she was so small that she actually drank five kilograms of liquor in one breath. Although he was surprised at the time, he didn't think about it deeply. Now that he thought about it, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. Don't say That was five kilograms of liquor or five kilograms of plain water, which her small body could not hold at all; and her appearance, a normal woman would not be that good-looking at all. He could be regarded as someone who had seen countless stunning beauties. But I have never seen a woman's skin that is more delicate and smooth than a baby's skin, and I have never seen a woman as beautiful as her!

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