Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1178 Return to the Palace (3)

Hearing this, Saknu touched his chin to express his agreement with his point of view.

He had also heard about the king and queen of Xianbei Kingdom. It was said that when the king of Xianbei was twenty-three years old, he insisted on marrying an old woman in her forties to be his princess. Everyone thought he was crazy. A handsome and noble prince actually wants to marry an old woman of humble origin and plain appearance. He must be crazy to do this. Some people say that this old woman has the ability and temporarily confused the heart of Prince Xianbei. When the prince wakes up in the future, he will definitely divorce her.

Later, this little-known prince ascended the throne of the king of Xianbei, but he did not abandon the old woman. Instead, he made her the queen of Xianbei. The queen insisted on marrying all the concubines!

Saknu had never understood King Xianbei's behavior before. However, after listening to Jin Zhong's words, he concluded that King Xianbei was most likely to be humbled by Queen Jiya and fell in love with her wholeheartedly. Or it's because he's afraid of her and doesn't dare to make her angry!

What is the relationship between them? Saknu is not interested in knowing. He only thinks of one thing. If the queen of Xianbei really has the ability to capture souls, he will send his troops south after capturing Mu Caiwei's soul. A large-scale attack on Dajin forced Nangong Yi to hand over her body. By then, wouldn't she be someone else?

Thinking of this, Saknu opened his mouth and smiled: "Master Lechi, you personally go to Xianbei on my behalf and convey my wishes to Queen Jiya of Xianbei. As long as she is willing to help him put that When the woman's soul was captured, Ben Khan sent his troops south to destroy the Jin Dynasty and vent his anger on her daughter!"

It is no longer news that Princess Helana, the jewel in the eye of Queen Jiya, is in love with Nangong Yi. Everyone knows that in order to pursue Nangong Yi, she ignored the modesty of women and stayed in Dajin for five years shamelessly. Now Nangong Yi is leaving. Marrying her was a slap in the face of the Xianbei Kingdom. Queen Jiya must be very angry. At this moment, she is hoping that someone can vent her anger on her behalf. As long as he agrees to destroy the Jin Dynasty for her, she will definitely agree to help him cast a spell. , captured Mu Caiwei’s soul!

Jin Zhong said: "I know a little bit about this kind of soul-detaining thing. Although I don't know the soul-detaining technique, I know that if you want to detain a person's soul, in addition to knowing the person's birth date and horoscope, you also need to get There is something on this person, hair or nails, so Dahan might as well try to get Mu Caiwei's hair or nails first to save time!"

Saknu looked at the guards who had escaped from Lingbei and said in a dark voice: "It's up to you to complete this task. If something goes wrong this time, you don't have to come back!"

The guards thought they were doomed, but when they heard what the Great Khan said: "They were immediately elated and went down with tears of gratitude!"

Outside, a guard said, "Where can we find that woman's hair and nails?"

Another said: "Let's separate. One group will go to Dajin, and the other group will go to Lingbei. In short, no matter where we are, we must get her things!"

"Yes, send a letter to Feige, the steward of Daru, and ask him to pay attention to it. If the woman goes to Qing County, ask him to try to help..."

Everyone's plan was decided, and they soon separated and set off...


Caiwei basically spent this day in space. Except for going to the nursing home after waking up in the morning and delivering some delicious food and drinks to the old and young people in the nursing home, she spent the rest of the time , she always stayed in space to farm.

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