Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1179 Return to the Palace (4)

After a few days in Lingbei, most of the things in the space were removed. Not only were the original objects left in Lingbei, but almost all the things in the fields were harvested and left in Lingbei.

Because there was a shortage of food in Lingbei, it was mostly beef, mutton, and highland barley noodles. Chaoyun and the more than a hundred people couldn't get used to it, so Caiwei harvested all the food and vegetables in the space and left it to them. They also caught a lot of fish and shrimps from Lingxi River and kept them in water basins to improve their food.

Even the medicines grown in the fields were left to Lingbei Medical Clinic. If the Yishantang in Beijing did not have medicine, they could go to other medical clinics to buy it. Lingbei's medical clinic was the only one in Lingbei. Stared, so Caiwei left all the medicinal materials in Lingbei without hesitation, hoping to help the people in Lingbei!

Nowadays, the ground in the space is empty. Except for the small forest and a green vine in full bloom, there is almost no crop left.

After Caiwei had slept and eaten, she took Changmei and started hard farming work.

Farming is actually a matter of self-cultivation. Many sages in ancient times once lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests and lived a life of hard work. In Caiwei's time, there were also many successful white-collar workers and gold-collar workers who gave up their high-paying jobs in big cities. He returned to the mountains and lived a simple farming life.

Caiwei is also very obsessed with this work. When the dark land is plowed and the seeds are sown and buried, it gives people a feeling of sowing hope and creates a beautiful expectation!

I worked until evening and finally finished planting all the land.

In order to reward Changmei for her hard work, Caiwei specially made space and went to the Hexianju restaurant opened by Cao Jin, preparing to treat Changmei and Lao Wugui to a delicious meal.

She had been to this restaurant before. She remembered that during that visit, Huo Yuan invited Master Han and his wife to propose marriage to her. Looking back now, it felt like it was a lifetime ago. In the blink of an eye, she has been married for many days. If it weren't for Huo Yuan, what would happen to him now?

Entering the private room on the second floor, Caiwei generously ordered seven or eight delicious dishes: anchovy fins, spicy belly shreds, duck feet with mushrooms, steamed sea bass, stewed squab in milk, drizzled with sesame oil and sprinkled with sesame seeds. Cold cucumber shreds, frosted watermelon pulp, etc. are all excellent dishes!

Caiwei sat by the window, eating slowly while looking at the scenery outside, quietly enjoying the beauty of life! Chang Mei and Gu Daxian each took a corner of the table and both ate with gusto!

At this time, there was a shouting sound from downstairs.

"You damn thief troops, why don't you hurry up and think that you are the masters of Duke Hou's mansion? You're still walking so damn squarely..."

Caiwei stuck her head out and looked down. She saw a group of officers escorting prisoners, riding on tall horses, holding whips, and shouting loudly at a group of shackled prisoners. The prisoners were all wearing uniforms. They wore shackles weighing five kilograms around their necks and heavy shackles on their feet to prevent them from escaping.

The prisoners seemed to have walked a long way, and they were all exhausted. Every step they took forward was very laborious. However, the officer on the horse was not satisfied with their speed. He yelled and complained: "Oh my God." The traitors and troops who have been killed are all caused by your rebellion against thieves, and I have to go all the way to Lingbei, a place where rabbits don’t poop. It’s really unlucky!”

It seemed that Du Ruhai and Jin Dapeng had arrived. Caiwei looked away and continued to eat her food.

Although he couldn't stand the bossy look of these officials, she would not sympathize with those prisoners. Poor people must be hateful. They were in this situation because of themselves and they couldn't blame others!

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