Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1180 Return to the Palace (5)

After dinner, she put Changmei and Old Turtle into the space, went downstairs, paid off the meal, and went outside.

It was getting dark now, and in a little while she would be able to ride the white-haired tiger back to the capital to meet her man. Lingbei was not far from the capital, and the white-haired tiger would be able to arrive before the second watch. Now that she could see him, Caiwei felt a little excited in her heart.

After being away for a few days, she had already begun to miss him, his warm embrace, his naughty smile, and the feeling of him kissing her and loving her...

Unknowingly, she became more and more dependent on him. Although she had despised those women who relied on men before, only now did she understand that those independent and confident women who did not rely on men were not born, but had not met. If she meets a man who is enough for her to love and rely on with all her heart, she will definitely give up on herself and rely more and more on that man just like her...

It was finally dark, and Caiwei excitedly rode on the white-haired tiger and ran towards the capital at lightning speed...

Imperial Palace, in the Imperial Study Room

Nangong Yi had a gloomy face, sitting under the lamp and reviewing the memorial. Yang Yong and others behind him gathered their energy and concentrated their attention, trying to reduce their sense of presence as much as possible to avoid causing trouble and harming themselves!

These days, the Queen suddenly disappeared, and the Emperor was not looking for her. However, the Emperor's temper was getting worse day by day. Today, because Peiyao's clothes were not modest enough, she was beaten twenty times and sent to the Clothing Bureau. Peiyao was a first-class maid personally selected by Empress Dowager Mo for the Emperor and Empress. Her status was more respectable than that of ordinary mistresses. She actually became frustrated when the Emperor told her to do so. She was not even given the dignity of the Empress Dowager. It can be seen that the Emperor's mood was extremely high. Poor!

The rest of the palace people were frightened by the emperor's divine power, and one by one they wanted to find a shell to hide in, fearing that if they did something wrong, they would offend the divine power and follow Peiyao's path.

It was nearly the second update, and the emperor was still reviewing tirelessly, but his face was getting darker and darker.

"Come here! Serve tea!"

He screamed majestically, as if telling others that he was very angry now and please don't mess with me.


Yang Yong responded, waved his hand, and a young eunuch carefully brought up a tray. In the center of the tray was a pastel tea cup from an official kiln.

Nangong Yi took the tea, took only one sip, then banged the teacup on the ground with a clang, and said angrily: "You useless slave, the Chengri family cooks tea for me, don't you know that I only drink eight-percent hot tea?" ?"

The little eunuch who handed the tea was so frightened that he knelt on the ground with a thud, banged his head on the ground, trembled, and kept shouting: "This slave deserves to die, your Majesty, forgive me..."

Seeing this, Yang Yong hurriedly stepped forward and glared at the little eunuch, saying, "You little slave, why don't you go down and cook a cup of eight-minute hot tea for the emperor!"

"Yes, I will go right away..."

With Yang Yong's rescue, the little eunuch hurriedly climbed up and ran outside. Just as he reached the door, a red figure suddenly appeared, causing him to almost knock over the red figure.

"What are you doing? Like a chicken with bare legs?"

Caiwei hid aside quickly and said with a smile, but her eyes were looking in the direction of Long An.

When Nangong Yi heard Caiwei's voice, he immediately raised his head, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

However, after meeting Caiwei's gaze, he lowered his face again, snorted awkwardly, lowered his head and continued to review the memorial.

Looking at the man's stinking face, Caiwei held back her laughter and waved her hand to Yang Yong: "You all, go down!"


The appearance of the empress made Yang Yong feel relieved. He agreed with a smile, waved to the other people in the palace, and everyone walked out quietly.

"Humph, who allowed you to leave!"

Nangong Yi snorted majestically and continued to act awkwardly.

Yang Yong smiled and said: "Your Majesty, if the Queen is here to serve you, there is no need for clumsy minions. The Queen will definitely be able to serve you well!"

After saying that, he stepped back with a smile.

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