Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1187 Dog bites dog (2)

Du Wanqing pursed her lips, suppressed the grievance and anger in her heart, and shouted: "Don't cause trouble, let's go!"

With that said, regardless of the sarcastic laughter of Aunt Bi's masters and servants, she turned around and walked out the door. Wangcai had no choice but to point at Aunt Bi and say: "You old ladies, just wait for me!"

After saying that, he stamped his feet and went to chase Du Wanqing.

Shopkeeper Wen saw that the matter was settled and just took a sip. Unexpectedly, when Wangcai walked to the door, a stone flew from nowhere and hit Wangcai on the head.

Wangcai jumped up when he felt pain. When he touched his head, there was red blood on his hand, which was slowly pouring out.

"Damn it, you old ladies who don't know how to live or die, how dare you beat you Wang Ye?"

Wangcai was beaten, and suddenly became anxious. He pointed at Aunt Bi and the others and yelled. He had been feeling aggrieved just now because he was laughed at and ridiculed by these maids and women. Now, these ignorant old women dared to beat him. , this time, his temper suddenly broke out.

"You wretched maidservants actually attacked your Wang Ye secretly. Can you guys even afford to beat Wang Ye?"

"I raised one foot higher than your heads, you dirty bitch..."

Wangcai was cursing with his saliva flying. Shopkeeper Wen saw that he was anxious, fearing that something might happen if the two sides fought together, so he hurriedly laughed with him and came over to say nice things in a low voice.

"Master Wang, please calm down. You don't remember the faults of villains, and don't behave like a bunch of women. These rouges are just a small tribute to you. You can accept them as a favor and keep them to reward others..."

The shopkeeper was saying good things as if he were wishing New Year greetings, and he was holding a few boxes of exquisite rouge in his hands. These boxes were all of good quality, and only two boxes of moisturizing cream were worth a hundred taels, plus other boxes. A few boxes of hair oil, powder, etc., add up to a total of more than two hundred taels of silver, which is definitely not a small sum.

Seeing so many good things, Wangcai's anger subsided a lot. Just as he thought about it, he walked down the slope to accept it. Unexpectedly, Aunt Bi's nanny suddenly sneered: "No matter how noble you are, it's a pity." , a slave is a slave, with shallow eyelids and light claws, he falsely accuses us of beating you just to cheat on these boxes of rouge, it’s really a joke!"

Although Wangcai is a slave, he has always pretended to be a big boss and wanted to have face outside because of the name of Duke Li Guofu. Today, he was slapped in the face by an old woman in public, which immediately made him lose face and lose all face.

Wangcai got angry and reached out to grab the bottle of hair oil held by shopkeeper Wen and threw it at the nanny.

"Old pig dog, I'm going to beat you to death!"

Although the nanny was old, she was very clever. When she saw something rushing towards her face, she hurriedly turned her head to avoid it. The bottle of scalp oil flew over her scalp and hit her with a "snap". Aunt Bi's face.

Aunt Bi screamed "ah" and her pink cheeks swelled up quickly. Since she entered the Huo Mansion, she has been raised in a pile of brocades, supported by gold slaves and silver maids. She has never experienced such humiliation. He immediately covered his face and screamed hysterically: "Slave dog, are you all blind? Hurry up and beat this spine-beating slave to death..."

The maids and women under his command saw that their master was angry, and immediately stepped forward one after another to make money.

Wangcai was a man after all, and he was angry, so how could he beat up a bunch of housewives? I saw him punching with his left hand and kicking with the right, kicking and beating the maids and women who came towards me, causing them to scream and fall down one after another.

When the customers of Mi Fang Zhai saw the fight, they all screamed and ran away.

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