Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1188 Dog bites dog (3)

Shopkeeper Wen was anxiously running around, but Qingzhi couldn't persuade them, so he hurried out the door and wanted to ask Du Wanqing to come back and take charge of the situation.

At this time, Aunt Bi's nanny was kicked to the counter by Wangcai, and she immediately threw several boxes of rouge on the counter to the ground. Aunt Bi had always been a decent person in the house, but now she was suddenly Hit, her eyes turned red immediately, she cursed "bastard", grabbed a box of rouge and smashed it into Wangcai's face.

Wangcai was concentrating on beating those maids and women. He might as well hit him with a box of Eryu Nv powder noodles. With a "pop" sound, he hit his cheek, making him cover his face with an "ouch" and paused. I feel like I have stars in my eyes and I feel dizzy!

Seeing this, all the maids and women followed suit and rushed to the counter one by one. Regardless of Yanzhi's high or low status, they grabbed Wangcai and threw them at him.

Suddenly, the Mi Fang Zhai became lively, with shrill shouts from women, the "pop" sound of things hitting their bodies, the shattering sounds of porcelain and jade falling to the ground, and the vulgar yelling of Wangcai holding his head. , threatening sounds, chaos.

Aunt Bi's maids and wives became more and more courageous as they fought. They had all been kicked and beaten by Wangcai just now. They wanted to take revenge, and they also wanted to show off in front of their master, so they fought extra hard.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of boxes of rouge in Mi Fangzhai were smashed to nothing. The house was filled with powder and perfume, and the smashed bottles and cans were scattered all over the floor, making it a mess.

Du Wanqing was invited back by shopkeeper Wen, and as soon as she entered the room, Aunt Bi rushed over with a swollen face, grabbed her bun with one hand, and scratched her face with the other hand!

"You shameless bitch, how dare you instruct my slaves to beat me. Can you beat me?"

She screamed and scratched hysterically, showing no dignity at all that a daughter of a wealthy family should have, and vented all her anger on Du Wanqing.

Before Du Wanqing could figure out what was going on, she was knocked to the ground. She was born with a weak constitution and had a weak constitution. She could not withstand Aunt Bi's crazy beating. She screamed and protected herself with one hand. face, covering his stomach with one hand, and kept shouting.

Caiwei's pebble successfully provoked the chaos. After the two groups started fighting, they quietly went upstairs and asked Huanqiu to jump out of the window upstairs and go to Yingtian Mansion to report the case to Master Zhao. Then he stood in a hidden place at the stairway on the second floor and quietly watched the show.

When she saw Du Wanqing covering her face with one hand and her stomach with the other, she felt a thump in her heart and thought to herself: Not good!

Why is she holding her belly? Could it be that you are pregnant?

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt uncomfortable and felt worthless for Xiangyun. However, although she hated the Du family and wanted to help Xiangyun deal with Du Wanqing, the child was innocent and it was impossible for her to look at Aunt Bi. He beat down Du Wanqing's child and remained indifferent.

Thinking of this, she quietly took out a stone, found the angle, and prepared to stop Aunt Bi when she hit Du Wanqing in the stomach.

Du Wanqing was born with a certain disadvantage. After being scratched like crazy by Aunt Bi, before Caiwei could take any action, her eyes rolled over and she fainted.

Although Aunt Bi scratched her face, she was still very angry. She raised her foot and wanted to kick her several times to vent her anger.

As soon as she lifted her feet, Caiwei hurriedly raised her arms, but before her rocks could fly out, Wangcai had already shouted: "Bold shrew, this lady is the confidante of Prince Li of the Duke of Li State, you If you dare to hurt her, Mr. Zili will definitely not let it go!"

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