Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1192 Young Master saves life (1)

When Huanqiu told the story, Caiwei ordered everyone to avoid it. People were afraid of it. If anyone knew that Fei'er had been kidnapped by Prince Guangling, her reputation would be damaged!

After listening to Huanqiu's story, Huo Yuan was shocked. In his impression, Aunt Bi was just a resentful woman. She only thought about how to get his favor every day, but he never thought that she would join forces with her foreign husband. , set up a poisonous plan to frame Fei'er, causing Fei'er to almost lose her integrity, and he almost lost the face to see Caiwei again. This woman was really so vicious!

Aunt Bi knew that she couldn't deny it, so she kowtowed to Caiwei and Huo Yuan, crying: "Brother, it was Bi Lian who was temporarily confused and oily. Please take it for the sake of our childhood sweethearts." , please plead with the Empress for Bi Lian, please spare Bi Lian this time...”

"Bilian swears that she will never dare to do it again, cousin, please..."

Huo Yuan stared at her for a long time with a white face, then turned to Caiwei and said, "I'm sorry, it's all my lax management that has brought so much trouble to your family. This woman's behavior is really abominable, so I'll hand it over to Yingtian Mansion." Just deal with it, you can be convicted of whatever crime you deserve, no need to look at my face!"

When Bilian heard this, she was so frightened that she burst into tears: "Cousin, if anything happens to me, my aunt will definitely be sad. You don't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face. Please look at my dead mother's sake. For my aunt's sake, please help Bilian. Bilian doesn't want to die, nor does she want to go to jail... "

As he said that, he banged his head hard and cracked his head in a few blows!

Caiwei looked at her coldly, neither saying to spare her nor punishing her.

At this moment, she really wanted to hand her over to Ying Tian Mansion and let this vicious and sinister woman go to jail and lose her reputation. However, the reason why she was not dealt with was entirely because of Huo Yuan.

The Huo family is a prestigious family in Jin Dynasty. If his aunt commits such a thing, the Huo family will be criticized and ridiculed by others, and they will not be able to hold their head high among the aristocracy from now on. She didn't want Huo Yuan to be implicated by this woman. Besides, although Fei'er and Huanqiu both suffered a lot because of this incident, they had already saved the day. Fei'er also fell in love with Mo Ziqi as a blessing in disguise, and they made a three-life commitment. Therefore, the anger in Caiwei's heart subsided a lot, so she planned to use her as a favor to Huo Yuan.

Moreover, she also knew that even if she spared Aunt Bi, Huo Yuan would not let the vicious woman go easily: "If this matter spreads, it will have an impact on Feier's reputation, so don't The government has been alerted, but fortunately nothing serious happened, and it can be considered safe and sound. You can take this Aunt Bi back, but you have to be more careful with people like this. She has such a vicious mind, and don’t let her come out to harm her again. Great talent!"

Caiwei said it very politely, but Huo Yuan's face turned red. He had always regarded himself as the guardian of Caiwei, and never thought that his aunt at home had given him such a big blow. Fortunately, Fei'er was fine, otherwise, he would I don’t even have the shame to see her again!

Huo Yuan left with Aunt Bi. As soon as they left, Caiwei called Zhao Fuyin and gave her instructions. Zhao Fuyin accepted the order and immediately left Mi Fangzhai with Wangcai and Du Wanqing. Went straight to Duke Li Guo’s Mansion!

After everyone left, shopkeeper Wen came forward tremblingly and whispered: "I didn't know that the Queen was here, so I was so negligent. I hope the Queen will forgive me!"

Caiwei smiled and said: "Shopkeeper Wen doesn't need to be polite. In Mi Fangzhai, there are only partners, not the queen. From now on, we will still be the same as before, how to get along with each other. If we are constrained by status, we will There is no way to cooperate."

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