Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1193 Young Master saves life (2)

"Yes, yes, the Queen... No, it's Miss Mu. What Miss Mu said is absolutely true. I will remember it."

Shopkeeper Wen nodded in agreement. He was still upset about the smashing of his shop, but after learning that the girl he was working with was the current Queen, his gloomy mood immediately turned cloudy.

Mi Fangzhai hooked up with the Queen, are you still afraid that you will lose your money and make money from all directions? Not to mention anything else, just getting the rouge and gouache supplied to the palace would be enough for Mi Fangzhai to make a lot of money. Besides, as long as he provides the rouge and gouache in the palace, the reputation of Mi Fang Zhai will definitely reach a higher level. By then, Mi Fang Zhai's business will definitely become more and more prosperous. Just thinking about it makes him excited!

Caiwei said: "The Huo family and Duke Li Guo's office will definitely compensate for the loss of Mi Fangzhai today. You can rest assured and wait for them to send you money!"

Shopkeeper Wen smiled and said: "With you here, Xiaomin, uh no, why should I be worried, hehe...hehehe..."

After coming out of Mifangzhai, Caiwei went to her shop to check it out, check the accounts of the income and expenditure during this period, and collect the money earned by the shop during this period. Among them, the one who earned the highest income was the one who joined the bank. , the turnover reached tens of thousands taels.

She still has a lot of ginseng in her space, which is enough for her ginseng shop to sell for several years. Every time she digs out some ginseng, she will ask Baimei to plant some more to avoid making ends meet in the future.

In addition, Zhenbao Pavilion and Nongfa Village also generate a lot of income.

Because it was discovered that the shellfish in Lingxi contained large, round beads, there were many varieties of pearls in Zhenbao Pavilion, including common white pearls, pink pearls, rare golden pearls, and black pearls, and the prices were even lower than those in Jiangxinlou. It was 10% cheaper, so in a short period of time, it attracted a large number of beauty-loving female customers.

In addition, because of the discovery of the magical power of Lingxi, the price of jade and jade in Zhenbao Pavilion is much lower than that of other jade shops. Moreover, the jade is of high quality and the carving is exquisite, and it really sells for a lot of money!

The booming business of Buzhuang is entirely due to Caiwei's accidental action. The last time Caiwei told Wen'er and Wu'er fairy tales, in order to attract people, she drew many cartoon images because she loved these pictures. He made them into patterns and embroidered small clothes for Wen'er, Wu'er and the baby in her belly. The results were loved by everyone. Fei'er is also a business-minded, so she took the opportunity to launch cloth with anime patterns in the cloth store. , and the business was extremely prosperous.

All the young women in the capital are proud that their children can have a piece of clothing with cartoon patterns. Children from wealthy families each have several cartoon-version clothes!

Those cloths with cartoon patterns were sold very well, and the supply was often in short supply. The shopkeeper saw that the cartoon version of cloth was always sold out, and thought it was a rare commodity, so he repeatedly raised the price. Normally, he sold pearl brocade for forty taels a piece. For weaving the Q version of the pattern, he had already paid him sixty taels of silver per piece.

Caiwei discovered this when checking the accounts. She picked up the abacus in her hand and said casually: "These Q-version satins should be sold for fifty taels of silver a piece. If they are sold too expensive, they will be scolded." A profiteer!"

"Uh, yes..."

The shopkeeper agreed nonchalantly, his face a little red. At this moment, he realized that the boss was the most principled person. Although it was profitable to rob and raise prices, she would never do it.

Fei'er was very happy to see her sister coming and whispered: "Sister, will you go home later? If you do, I will tell Master that I will go back early today. My father and mother often talk about you." , Wen'er and Wu'er, the two boys, also miss the eldest sister very much!"

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