Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1198 The face is broken by scratching (2)

Mrs. Bai hated the iron and said: "That piece of meat is already in the stomach. What's the point of asking her? It's just passing the responsibility to the doctor, saying that the soup to avoid the child doesn't work, and what's the point?" How could he admit that it was her scheming? This woman is not a good person at first glance, so it is only this lard that deceives her into thinking that she is pure and kind!"

Mo Zili stood in the middle of the ground, his head buzzing. No matter what, he didn't believe that that bookish, arrogant girl could be a scheming woman!

"Where is she? Shall I ask her? I want her to tell me in person!" He repeated in a murmur, looking defeated.

Zhaofu Yin smiled and said: "My lord, I have been here for a long time and I have to leave now. But look at the damage caused by the smashing of Mi Fang Zhai..."

After saying that, he smiled at Mo Zili and said: "Master Li, don't blame me. When the official rushed to Mi Fang Zhai to investigate the matter, the shopkeeper and the shopkeepers of Mi Fang Zhai, including the customers present at the time, all said in unison that I respect you. He wanted to forcefully buy the rouge that an aunt of the Huo family had already bought. The aunt refused to give in, so the honorable Chong became furious. He gave the name of Duke Li Guofu and asked his servants to take action and injured the person in the Huo residence. She was an aunt. She couldn't beat her, so her maids and women fought back. During the fight, all the thousands of boxes of powder from Mi Fang Zhai were broken, and the loss reached tens of thousands of taels. The shopkeeper of Mi Fang Zhai kept complaining. , crying and begging the subordinate to make the decision for him, so do you think we should negotiate with Mr. Huo about this compensation?"

When it came to this, Mo Zili wanted not to believe it, but when he thought about her pregnancy, his unbelieving heart was shaken again.

He covered the injury and said with a depressed look, "Thank you, Mr. Zhao, for taking the trouble. I will pay the compensation."

Zhao Fuyin completed the task assigned to him by the Empress, and said with a smile: "Master Li, you are polite. In this case, I will take my leave..."

With that said, he handed over his hands and left.

After Zhao Fuyin left, Duke Li stood up and said sadly: "Everyone in the world knows that our Duke Li's family has a very upright family style. For hundreds of years, all the sons and daughters in the mansion have been upright and upright. Today, a foreigner has passed away." Outside the house, we are using the name of our Duke Li Guo's Palace to act arrogant, smash, loot, etc., which really brings down the face of our Duke Li Guo's Palace. The world will definitely laugh at us for seeking fame and reputation, and deceiving the world and stealing our reputation. Alas, the Empress Dowager, the Empress Dowager I won’t go to your birthday party, lest I have no place to show off my old face."

With that said, he stood up and left.

When Mo Qingshan saw this, he glared at Mo Zili and said: "Nie Zhan, you let the two elders worry about you and make our Duke Li Guo's family embarrassed by you. You have brought such a bad influence to the family. I really want to kill you." You are not enough to vent my anger!"

Bai hurriedly said: "Master, Li'er is seriously injured and can't be beaten. Besides, what's the use of talking about it now? Let's think about how to solve this matter!"

Mo Qingshan's current idea is to give the traitor a good beating, and then beat the bastard who seduced him to death.

However, this is just a thought. He is not in good health and only has a son like Mo Zili who looks like his eyes have grown so big. No matter how angry he is, he doesn't have the courage to beat him to death, let alone beat him to death. , even if he hits him, he is reluctant to kill him. As for the bitch who seduced his son, who is carrying his own grandson in his belly, he is reluctant to kill him. Therefore, he has the same thoughts as the old man and throws away his hand. do not care.

"It's all what you're used to. It's up to you to figure it out!"

Mo Qingshan angrily scolded his wife, glared at his son hatefully, flicked his sleeves, and left!

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