Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1199 The appearance is broken by scratching (3)

Mo Qingshan has gone, and Mo Yuanshan will naturally not stay. The old man and the old lady have the final say on the matter of the second wife. Even if it is not good enough, there is still the second brother and his wife. It is not his uncle's turn to comment, so , also stood up and said: "I have troubled my mother a lot about this. My son has some things ahead of him, so he will leave first. But my mother should not be too understanding of anger, so as not to be too angry and hurt her body. "

After that, he left. Mo Zili, the old lady Liu, the eldest lady Wu and the second lady Bai were left in the room.

The old lady glanced at Mo Zili and the two daughters-in-law, and said: "When things have reached this point, it is useless to complain and punish. Although the Du family's daughter is not good, what is in her belly is the flesh and blood of our Mo family after all. So, what I mean is to keep her for now and make plans after the birth is over!"

Although Bai didn't like Du Wanqing, but because Du Wanqing was pregnant with her grandson, her whole heart sank, and she was afraid that the old man and the old lady would say something to deal with Du Wanqing. Now she heard that the old lady said that she would keep her here for the time being. After giving birth, she felt happy and said: "The old lady's idea is a great one, just do what the old lady said!"

The eldest lady, Wu Shi, was unhappy. Xiangyun was her biological niece and she had always treated her as her own daughter. If she kept Du Wanqing, Xiangyun would be miserable in the future. Therefore, she said sourly: "Now Li'er got her wish, but she took pity on Yun'er and got married happily. It's only been three months, and she's not pregnant yet, but her wife got pregnant first!"

Mrs. Bai hurriedly said: "Your aunt is right, Li'er. This thing is really wronging Xiangyun. You must treat her well in the future. If I hear that she has been wronged in the slightest, I will Let’s settle the old and new accounts together, and I will never spare you and that foxy kid.  "

Mo Zili was already ashamed when the eldest lady Wu stood up for Xiang Yun. Thinking of Xiang Yun's innocent eyes and the mist in Xiang Yun's eyes before he came, his heart suddenly shrank. , an unspeakable sadness instantly overwhelmed him.

It wasn't until he heard his mother's words that he finally came to his senses. Nan Yan said: "Auntie, although Wanqing has come in, my nephew will not let Xiangyun be wronged. Don't worry!"

Wu sneered and said: "If you want me to rest assured, you can't rest assured unless you send away the goblin from the Du family. Hey, it's all my fault for being nosy. I saw you playing together when you were children." , like a couple of golden boys and girls, I thought you two were a perfect match, so I went back to my parents’ house and tried my best to instigate this marriage. I also vowed to tell my brother and sister-in-law how great it would be if Yun’er married me. Now Yun’er My son is married, but he came here to see how loving you are with that girl from the Du family. Hey! How can I have the face to meet my brother and sister-in-law!"

As he spoke, he wiped his tears with the handkerchief.

When Mrs. Yang saw her mother-in-law crying, she hurriedly stepped forward to comfort her and said, "Mom, please stop crying. If you have time to cry, you might as well go see Sister Xiangyun. She may be very sad right now!"

When Mrs. Wu heard this, she hurriedly stood up holding Yang's hand and said to the old lady: "Mother, let's do it first. My daughter-in-law will go to Xiangyun's house to have a look and advise her. I, my aunt, have done something wrong. I made a mistake." I have lost my niece, and now I can only comfort her."

The old lady was angry when she heard Wu's words, and said: "Go and tell Girl Yun, no matter what her surname is Du (Du) or her surname is Yao, as long as I am here, she will never be wronged. Tell her , telling her to just take good care of him and be her young lady. When Li’s ribs heal in the future, she will definitely be able to get pregnant and give birth to a big fat boy who no one can beat her! "

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