Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1203 Birthday Banquet (1)

September 3rd

It is the 72nd birthday of the Empress Dowager of the Jin Dynasty. The Jin Dynasty has always governed the world with filial piety. On the birthday of the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager, the emperor issued a decree to grant amnesty to the entire Jin Dynasty. The government will not accept criminal cases within ten days, scheduled for this month. The prisoners who wanted to be punished were changed to the next month, and all the people were not allowed to wear plain clothes. The officials below were even required to set up incense cases in their yamen and kowtow in the direction of the capital to celebrate their birthdays.

When Nangong Yi ascended the throne, there were widespread rumors in the capital that the current emperor and the Empress Dowager were not on good terms. However, seeing that the emperor had organized such a big party to celebrate the Empress Dowager, those rumors were self-defeating!

This is Nangong Yi's purpose. As long as he can get a good reputation from Renxiao, he doesn't mind playing tricks with this old lady!

Early in the morning, the three Mu family members all got up. Today was the Queen Mother's birthday party. Mu Cailian was excited and worried all night, and she couldn't sleep all night. Can her dream come true? Can she marry like the Caiwei sisters? To a handsome, rich, gentle and affectionate young master, it depends on today.

For this day, Mu Laosan and his wife worked hard and worked hard to realize their daughter's wish even though they were broke. They generously used all their belongings to make a dress for their daughter that only ladies from rich families could wear. The light green Shu brocade is smooth and smooth, like water to the touch. It is colorful when walking under the sun, dazzling the eyes, so beautiful!

However, after finishing this mat worth more than seventy taels, the couple no longer had the money to buy jewelry for their daughter.

According to Mu Laosan's suggestion, it is the same to go to the jewelry store to buy a few silk flowers to wear. My daughter is young, and wearing colorful silk flowers can better reflect her beautiful appearance. However, Cai Lian disagreed with anything she said and could go to the event. The ladies at the Queen Mother's birthday banquet must all be ladies from official families, and they must all go there with their priceless honors. If she only brought a few silk flowers with her, she would definitely look very cold and embarrassed. Not only will Shi not be able to overwhelm the whole audience, but he will be ridiculed by others, so it is better not to go.

Third Aunt Mu said that she could either buy two gold-plated head and face costumes to show off. Although it was not real gold, you couldn't tell the difference without looking carefully. Cailian still disagrees. Although gilded jewelry can be fake, it will be even more embarrassing if someone sees it.

Without any jewelry, Cai Lian cried anxiously. Third Uncle Mu and Third Aunt Mu were also anxious, and Uncle Mu's mouth had a string of blisters in his mouth. They were just two vendors selling roasted seeds and nuts. Although their business was better, Son, but with a monthly profit of only 18,000 taels, they really can't afford it if they are asked to spend money to buy a piece of jewelry worth 3,500 taels.

In desperation, Third Aunt Mu had no choice but to shamelessly borrow some pieces of jewelry from Mrs. Du for her daughter, including a large pink pearl flower, a white jade bracelet, a pair of gold-inlaid coral butterfly pendants, and a The emerald jade pendant supports her daughter's appearance.

With these things, Cai Lian became happy.

Early in the morning, she got up quietly to dress up. Third Aunt Mu also got up early and cooked thick millet porridge and boiled eggs for her daughter. She wanted her daughter to be full before going to the palace, but Cai Lian failed. She didn't dare to eat breakfast or drink water, fearing that she would be in dire straits once she entered the palace. Until Caiwei sent someone to pick her up, she didn't even have enough food and didn't even sit down for fear of getting wrinkled. Precious darling.

After getting on the carriage, she sat down carefully, but she didn't dare to sit down firmly for fear that her clothes would be wrinkled. For today, she worked hard and worked hard, and she must shine at today's birthday banquet. , strive to attract the attention of others, and then give her the opportunity to marry a happy man!

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