Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1204 Birthday Banquet (2)

Along the way, she was full of longing and hope for a better future, sitting upright and full of confidence! After an unknown amount of time, the carriage finally stopped. The eunuch responsible for picking up the lotus lifted the curtains of the carriage and said softly: "Girl, Wan'anmen has arrived, you have to get down and walk!"

Wan'an Gate is the gate through which the female relatives of the court officials enter the palace to pay their respects. It is specially used for women and eunuchs. The royal family's children and ministers enter the palace through another gate.

Cai Lian poked her head out and saw a lot of vehicles and sedans parked at the entrance of Wan'an Gate. They were all covered with canopies and royal roofs, and looked very noble. Groups of noble ladies in official uniforms were holding their maids. One after another, we got out of the car.

There were a large number of married women entering the palace, plus the girls they brought with them. There were people everywhere, but they were quiet. In front of the majestic palace gate, no one dared to make a loud noise, let alone chat. Xixi, even if you meet someone you know well, they will nodded slightly to each other as a greeting.

With excitement and excitement, Cai Lian quietly got out of the car, and under the guidance of the eunuch, followed these ladies into the palace!

Along the green brick paved corridor, Cai Lian frowned and tried not to look like a country bumpkin who had never seen the world. But in fact, she had long been shocked by the wealth and magnificence of the palace. Got it!

The palace is so majestic, so spectacular, so rich and gorgeous!

The wide vermilion palace gate is inlaid with huge door nails inlaid with gold-plated copper. The palace gate is filled with vermilion railings and jade. There are many palaces, just like a fairyland. There are majestic palaces and pavilions, glittering glazed tiles, and palaces. The two giant dragons on the eaves of Yu Fei are alive with golden scales and golden armor, as if they want to soar into the sky; the ground is paved with green bricks, and there are occasional paths inlaid with cobblestones. Every palace passing by has white marble stone steps, and the doorway They are all guarded by huge stone lions or auspicious beasts!

In the past, she only thought that Mu Mansion was the most gorgeous place in the world. Now, compared with this palace, it was like heaven or earth. There was no comparison at all!

When they arrived in front of the imperial study, Caiwei happened to come out of the imperial study.

Today, Caiwei is dressed very solemnly, wearing a bright yellow wide-sleeved double-breasted phoenix robe made of pure gold silk, a phoenix crown with five phoenixes holding beads on her head, and a string of bright and huge golden beads hanging around her neck. , the beads are uniform in size, each one is round and full, each one is worth a thousand gold, and wearing a priceless jasper ring on the wrist, the whole person is graceful, luxurious and impressive.

This outfit is extremely solemn and can easily make her look older, but when it is worn on her body, it makes her look like a jade sculpture, with white teeth and red lips, adding a bit of majesty and dignity to her regretful beauty!

Cai Lian stepped forward and timidly called out: "Sister Cai Wei!"

The eunuch Meng Huaian behind Caiwei immediately shouted in a high voice: "You are so bold and cunning, how dare you call the Queen by her name and not slap her!"

Cai Lian was frightened and stared at Cai Wei motionless. Caiwei said: "That's all, she just entered the palace and doesn't understand the rules in the palace. She should learn it slowly in the future!"

After saying that, he held Meng Huaian's hand and walked towards the phoenix chariot parked in front of the imperial study. When he passed by Cai Lian, he said, "Follow me!" Cai Lian seemed to have just woken up from a dream, and hurriedly followed Cai Wei. Behind her, when Caiwei got on the phoenix chariot, Cai Lian also hurriedly picked up her skirt and walked onto the phoenix chariot!

As soon as he raised his legs, Meng Huaian came over with a fierce look and said, "Why are you so unruly, girl? Only the queen can sit in the phoenix chariot of the queen. To put it bluntly, girls are the princesses and eldest princesses in the palace. You are not qualified to take a ride!"

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