Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1205 Birthday Banquet (3)

Cai Lian was scolded harshly, and she took back her feet with a blushing face. She was so aggrieved that she almost shed tears. However, fearing that the makeup on her face would be smeared, she still held it back, bit her lip, and followed Cai Wei. The palace maids and eunuchs walked together, and went to Shuntian Palace with low eyebrows.

When they arrived at Shuntian Hall, the ladies waiting outside the hall saw the Queen's phoenix chariot coming, and they all knelt down and shouted: "The Queen is a thousand years old, a thousand years old, a thousand years old——"

Seeing such a spectacular scene, Cai Lian realized how noble this sister who had grown up with her since childhood was now!

The ladies kneeling on the ground were all wearing imperial robes. Even the ones in the corners were beyond her reach. However, so many noble ladies who were high up and needed her to look up to them. They all knelt at her feet and worshiped devoutly. This feeling must be very good!

Caiwei held Meng Huaian's hand and walked down from the chariot, and said slowly: "Madams, please get down without any courtesy!"

"Thank you, Queen!" All the ladies stood up and bowed their heads respectfully. No one dared to peek at Feng Yan.

Caiwei said: "Everyone has been waiting for a long time. Let's go to the palace and sit and wait. The emperor has already gone to pick up the empress dowager and the empress dowager. He will be here soon!" With that, he walked towards the Shuntian Palace. They automatically separated a road to let the queen pass.

Caiping followed the queen. She was not wearing the clothes of a palace maid, so she naturally attracted everyone's attention. She puffed up her chest and felt a sense of satisfaction that she had never felt before. Now, she no longer felt the grievance she had just suffered. It’s so sad, the Queen’s majesty should be like this!

After Caiwei sat down, she ordered someone to set up a small table for Cai Lian next to her seat. Cai Lian sat down excitedly and proudly in the envious eyes of many princesses, princesses and county heads.

Now, she's got someone's attention!

Not long after, the Queen Mother and Queen Mother Mo, accompanied by Nangong Yi, arrived at Shuntian Hall. Everyone quickly left the table and knelt down to worship.

Although Caiwei did not kneel down, she left Xifu and got down. She was just halfway down when she was supported by a pair of big palms.

She raised her head and saw her man looking at her playfully. He was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe with a coiled collar, narrow sleeves, a golden dragon pattern embroidered on the front, back and shoulders, with dragon Zhai patterns and twelve patterns embroidered on it. Zhang Wen, with a jade belt around his waist and leather boots, had a leisurely posture. After helping her up, he curved his beautiful lips and smiled, and raised his hand to touch his neck.

Caiwei was startled and quickly reached out to touch her neck with a guilty conscience. She suddenly realized that her neck had been tightly covered by the phoenix robe and would not reveal any flaws. Then she relaxed, glanced at him secretly, and recovered. The way it was originally held.

Everyone bowed their heads in formality, and few people saw the flirting between them. Only a few ambitious young ladies heard that the emperor was coming, and secretly raised their heads during the salute, wanting to take a peek. Tian Yan.

When they saw the man who was tall, elegant, noble, and as handsome as a demon, their hearts beat faster and they were extremely shy. This man is so good-looking, not only good-looking, but also aloof. He is the most noble man in the Jin Kingdom. If you can marry him, it will be worth it to be a concubine!

Nangong Yi and Caiwei didn't know the little girls' thoughts. After asking the Queen Mother to sit down, they began to salute her. First, Queen Mother Mo saluted her, and then Nangong Yi and Caiwei knelt side by side in front of the Queen Mother. In front of the Empress Dowager, he kowtowed and said, "I wish my grandmother Phoenix good health and longevity!"

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