Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1206 Birthday Banquet (4)

The Empress Dowager smiled and raised her hand, saying hello repeatedly.

Although she was not on good terms with Nangong Yi and her son, since the emperor gave her this dignity, she didn't care whether the emperor was sincere or not. As long as others looked at the emperor and respected her as the empress dowager, they could be courteous to her natal family. Therefore, knowing that the emperor was using her to earn benevolence and filial piety, she was happy to cooperate and take advantage of each other!

After Nangong Yi got up, Caiwei personally presented the longevity noodles handed over by the eunuch to the Queen Mother. Nangong Yi toasted the longevity wine, and the Queen Mother symbolically drank the longevity noodles, which saved everyone from kneeling down.

After finishing the birthday noodles, it was time to offer birthday gifts. Naturally, not everyone stepped forward one by one to offer birthday gifts in person. First, the Queen Mother led the concubines and concubines to offer gifts to celebrate their birthdays, then Nangong Yi and Cai Wei, and then Chang The princesses, He Lanxue, Princess Tuotuo, etc., followed by the female relatives of the clan, and finally the Duke Li's Mansion, the General's Mansion, and several high-status concubines from the Prime Minister's Mansion.

The Emperor was so obsessed with spiritual practice that he did not come to this secular world, but he personally copied a copy of the Tao Te Ching to the Empress Dowager as a birthday gift. The birthday gifts given by the Empress Dowager and the concubines were nothing more than embroidery, calligraphy and paintings. Nangong Yi and Cai Wei's birthday gift was a white jade longevity star statue more than a foot high. The white jade was the finest mutton-fat white jade among jade. It was exquisitely carved and lifelike. You could tell it was priceless at first sight. thing.

It was the turn of the eldest princesses and other princesses to give gifts. Like the queen mother and concubines, they sent calligraphy and paintings, or embroidered silk and satin. Although they were all of high quality, they did not have much intention. Only what Princess Chaogui offered attracted everyone's attention.

Especially Caiwei, her eyes almost popped out of her sockets when she saw Chao Gui's birthday gift!

Chao Gei's birthday gift is a bright red embroidery, with a big Chinese character "longevity" embroidered on the red silk with gold thread. But if you look closely, you will find that the big Chinese character "longevity" is made up of many It is composed of many Xiaoshou characters, and the many Xiaoshou characters have their own advantages and different fonts, and none of them are similar. Among them, there are regular script, official script, seal script, Xing script, cursive script, oracle bone script, etc.

Hundred-year-old picture!

Caiwei was shocked. This must be something that only exists in her world!

Why does Chaogui have a hundred-year-old picture? Could it be that she also came from time travel, but it doesn't look like it. If she also came from time travel, she would have left here long ago with her golden finger to seek a better life. Why should she have to live on thin ice in this palace? It will be shattered into pieces; but if not, where did this picture of a hundred years of life come from?

There is absolutely no picture of a hundred years of life in this world. Even if there were, there would never be two deformed bodies with different shapes and seemingly Q versions mixed in these characters for longevity. This picture of a hundred years of life is 100% made by a modern person. ,Who is this guy? Where are you now?

Caiwei stared blankly for a long time before she came to her senses and joined the others in praising Chao Gui's birthday gift for its freshness!

At that moment, Caiwei rewarded her with a pair of Chaogui and Ruyi, and the Empress Dowager also rewarded her with a string of red coral beads.

Jade Ruyi and coral beads were not rare items for a princess, but they were prized by the Queen and the Empress Dowager, which was a great honor. Chao Ge accepted the reward and thanked her happily.

A trace of stiffness flashed across Empress Dowager Mo's face. She disliked Chao Gei very much, not only because she was the daughter of Concubine Jin, and she had colluded with Concubine Jin and opposed her; but also because in order to curry favor with Mu Caiwei, she would It was revealed that she and her baby daughter Nangong Yu designed the emperor, which caused the emperor to separate from her. Yu'er is still suffering in the temple!

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