Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1207 Birthday Banquet (5)

However, she was not happy about the return. Since both the Empress Dowager and the Emperor had rewarded her, she, as the Empress Dowager, had to show her appreciation. Therefore, she had no choice but to take off a bracelet from her wrist and reward her!

Caiwei smiled and said to Chao Gui: "The Queen Mother's birthday banquet is so well organized, and Princess Chao Gui deserves a lot of credit. I will set up a banquet tonight to thank you personally!"

Chao Gui was overjoyed, and Fu lowered his body and said with a flattered look, "It is Chao Gui's duty to share the worries of the empress, and he cannot deserve a word of thanks from the empress!"

Caiwei said: "It should be!"

After the birthday gifts were presented one after another, singing and dancing began and the banquet was held. The maids filed in, serving wine and food. Nangong Yi had another drink with the Empress Dowager, and then got up and went to Qingyang Palace. The ministers, princes, and princes celebrating their birthdays today were arranged to celebrate their birthdays. In Yang Palace, the emperor still had something to discuss with everyone, so he left the banquet and went to Qingyang Palace.

During the meal, Caiwei pointed to a plate of steamed pork ribs with rice flour on her table and said with a smile: "This steamed pork ribs with rice flour is really good. It tastes exactly like the one in my hometown. Cai Lian, try it!"

With that said, he motioned to Huanqiu to bring the steamed pork ribs in front of him to the lotus-picking table.

Now, all the ladies present here know who the girl sitting next to the Queen is. It turns out that she is a member of the Queen's family. The Queen's name is Caiwei, and this girl's name is Cai Lian, so she must be As for the Queen's family, otherwise she wouldn't be so favored by the Queen, and actually let her sit next to him. Not everyone gets this kind of honor and dignity!

Cai Lian showed her face and flushed with excitement. She picked up a piece of spareribs sent by Huan Qiu, put it in her mouth and chewed it for a while, then said, "That's right. It tastes exactly the same as what our patriarch's family makes during the New Year banquet." !"

All the ladies were shocked when they heard this. This girl was indeed the queen's descendant!

Caiwei nodded slightly and said: "It's rare to encounter the taste of my hometown, so just eat more. When I get back, I will send the cook to make some and send them to my third uncle and my third aunt!"

Cai Lian stood up and said, "Cai Lian thanked the Queen for my parents!"

Caiwei said: "You're welcome. My third uncle and my third aunt took care of my family when I was young. I should repay you..."

Having said this, everyone's hearts were clear. This girl was not only the Queen's family, but also had a close relationship with her since they were young. This girl's parents had once taken care of the Queen's family!

Soon, everyone's eyes were attracted to Cai Lian, and even the Empress Dowager cast an inquiring look at her.

Cai Lian was so happy to feel everyone's attention. He tried his best to look gentle and dignified like a lady, but unfortunately it was too much. Her excessive dignity not only failed to add points to her in the eyes of the ladies, but actually made her in the eyes of the ladies. In everyone's eyes it looked gaudy and pretentious.

Many ladies turned their heads away, with disappointment in their eyes, but there were a few who were still staring at her with interest and thoughtfulness.

Cai Wei’s mission has been completed. If nothing goes wrong, many officials will soon go to Mu Sanshu’s house to propose marriage. I hope Cai Lian’s luck is better and she doesn’t want to choose a villain who tends to be popular. It’s a pity. , not much hope!

After the palace banquet, Caiwei accompanied the Empress Dowager and Empress Dowager Mo to the Linshui Pavilion in the Imperial Garden to listen to a play, followed by the eldest princesses, princesses and wives.

Although it is autumn now, the Imperial Garden is still lush and green, with red flowers and green willows. When everyone walks into the corridor, they see the red and green water reflecting the bright ripples, and two red and jade painted boats are put together to form a temporary On the stage, the boats are reflected in the green lake water, like silhouettes.

Caiwei accompanied the Empress Dowager, the Queen Mother and several eldest princesses to sit in the Linshui Pavilion. She turned around and said to Cai Lian with a smile: "It's rare for you to come to the Imperial Garden. Let Chao Gei take you around." We've reached an interesting place, and I'm sending someone to ask you to come back and take a look!"

Cai Lian happily said: "Yes!" and followed Chao Gui!

When watching a play, the Empress Dowager took the lead in ordering a play. She believed in Buddhism, so she ordered the play "North Point Crimson Lips". He said changing clothes and walked out.

In the boat, the actor dressed as a monk was still babbling and singing: "Slowly shed tears of hero, separated from the family, thanked for mercy and tonsure under the lotus platform, no fate, separated in the blink of an eye, naked to come and go without worries... ."

Caiwei left the Linshui Pavilion and quietly said to Huanqiu: "Look, where is Xiangyun? I saw her in a trance when I was in Shuntian Hall, why has she disappeared now?"

Huan Qiu said: "My servant just saw her leaving the table and going to Caiyue Pavilion with the people from the Marquis of Jian'an. She probably has something to say to herself!"

Caiwei nodded and said, "Okay, you go and keep an eye on her, and when she comes back, bring her to see me!"

"Yes!" Huanqiu went.

Caiwei took Chunliu alone and hurried back to the imperial study.

There was a phoenix crown weighing dozens of kilograms on her head, and her head was about to be crushed. If this burden was not removed, she would be dead on the spot!

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