Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1208 An old friend is here (1)

Caiwei returned to the imperial study and took off the heavy phoenix crown. Her head felt much lighter. She spread her hair to fully relax her poor scalp.

"Chunliu, I'll take a moment to take a close look. If you need anything, remember to call me!" She took off her phoenix robe that was in the way and threw herself on the couch without any image.


Chunliu picked up the phoenix robe that had been thrown on the ground by her master, and cursed secretly. She had known that there would be a lot of things today. Last night, she only had to deal with the emperor all night long, but now her body can't bear it anymore!

Caiwei stayed up all night last night, and now she has been busy all morning carrying a phoenix crown weighing dozens of kilograms. She also had a few drinks at the birthday banquet. She couldn't hold it any longer. After giving orders to Chunliu, she put it down. He slipped into the boudoir of the space under the bed tent and fell asleep soundly. He only slept until one Buddha was born and two Buddhas passed into nirvana.

The time in the space is three times longer than that outside. She chooses to sleep in the space and can sleep until she is full before coming out again!

In the imperial garden

Princess Chaogui accompanied her to pick lotuses, pointing out the scenery in the palace and talking to her in a pleasant manner. The scenery in the imperial garden was extremely beautiful, with various pavilions, bridges, corridors, pavilions, and various gorgeous palaces. , so beautiful; there are lush forests of pines and cypresses, flowers blooming under the forest, vying for beauty, all kinds of strange peaks and rocks in various shapes, multiple corridors and palaces, magnificent and magnificent, reflected in the water, like a dragon city palace, the scenery is like a picture scroll, completely natural, I was fascinated by the lotus picking.

Unknowingly, the two of them walked to the bridge and looked at the red and green water in the water, which they suspected to be fairy mountains and pavilions. From a distance, I saw a pavilion by the water, with bead curtains and painted roofs, green tiles covering the roof, and yellow tiles trimming the edges. It was colorful and resplendent.

There are three characters "Caiyue Pavilion" on it.

When Chao Gui was tired from walking, he suggested, "Miss Lotus Picker, how about we go sit in the Moon Picker Pavilion?"

Cai Lian knew that the other party was a princess, and she was extremely grateful for being so polite to her. Therefore, after hearing Chao Gui's suggestion, she hurriedly agreed and said, "Okay, it happens to be close to Linshui Pavilion. The empress wants to find us." Can be found!"

The two of them had reached an agreement and approached Caiyue Pavilion. There were orchids placed around Caiyue Pavilion, covering up the fierce scene in the pavilion. It was not until the two of them got closer that they discovered that there was someone in the pavilion, a man wearing imperial uniform. The lady was sitting in the pavilion, saying something to a young woman.

Chao Gui stopped, glanced at the pavilion, and whispered, "It's Mrs. Jian'an Hou and her daughter who are talking about themselves, so let's not disturb them."

Cai Lian said: "Okay, let's go!"

The two of them turned around and were about to leave when they suddenly heard Mrs. Marquis Jian'an in the pavilion suddenly raise her voice.

"Tell me honestly, why are you still not pregnant after being here for more than three months? Is it because he has never touched you at all?"

Xiangyun whispered: "Mom, please keep your voice down, it's not good for others to hear you!"

Mrs. Wu said: "Don't talk to mother about these useless things. Tell me quickly, what's going on? The other wife came into the house pregnant and entered the house. If mother doesn't intervene, you will only fall out of favor and be left out!"

"Tell me about you. When you were at your mother-in-law's house, you were carefree every day and didn't have any scheming at all. That's fine. Anyway, you were at your mother-in-law's house, and your mother and your brother were always there to protect you. But why are you still so careless when you get to your mother-in-law's house? You are heartless. With your background and appearance, if you had put a little thought into it, you would have been pregnant a long time ago. Why let the outside room take advantage of it? It's okay this time. The eldest son of the second wife is a bastard, and you will be born in the future. He is the second son, and the opportunity has been taken away by others. Hey, why can't you be more careful? I'm really pissed off by you!"

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