Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1209 An old friend is here (2)

Xiangyun pursed his lips and muttered: "What's so great about it? I don't care about it. The worst I can do is make peace with him!"

As soon as she heard the word 'harmony', Mrs. Wu suddenly exploded. She stood up and shouted: "Are you crazy? What crazy talk are you talking about? How can a family like ours be harmonious? Do you think we, the Marquis of Jian'an Mansion, are like this?" The year is so glorious, do you want to embarrass our family so much that your parents, brothers, and brothers will be embarrassed to see anyone again, and your sisters will be disowned?"

Xiangyun said anxiously: "Mom, what are you shouting for? Keep your voice down. Didn't I discuss this with you? I didn't really make peace with you!"

Mrs. Wu said: "What are we discussing? It's nothing to discuss. There's no need to discuss it. Just take a look at it. That wealthy family doesn't have three wives and four concubines. It won't work if it comes to your place. That Du family is just an outhouse, a little cat and a puppy. The same thing is for men to play with. What do you do with her? No matter how favored she is, she will not be able to change your status anyway. You and her are not serious. If I am as confused as you, I will be fooled by you. Dad’s seven or eight aunts and more than ten cousins ​​are so angry!"

Xiangyun said: "Mom, you have been sitting firmly in the position of waiting for your wife these years, but are you happy? Seeing my father keep taking concubines and moving houses, can you really be indifferent and feel a little bit in your heart? Don’t you feel uncomfortable?"

Mrs. Wu was choked up by her daughter's words. Is she happy after being married to Marquis Jian'an for more than 20 years? Watching the husband she had entrusted with her life, the husband she wanted to spend her whole life with, kept taking concubines, buying houses, and doting on other women, could she really be indifferent and not feel pain at all?

The answer, of course not!

Women are all emotional species. Which woman doesn’t want her husband to stay with her alone, stay with her and grow old together; how can any woman be indifferent when she sees her husband pampering other women? They will be heartbroken like her, and they will be so heartbroken that they can't sleep all night long, and torture themselves until they are more than ten years older than their normal age. It is not until one day that their hearts are numbed by the pain that they can no longer feel the pain, then it is over.

However, everyone in the world has come this way, and she can't change it, so she has to adapt.

When she first learned that the Mo family had a rule that no one would take a concubine, she had been happy for her daughter for several years. She thought her daughter would have a life different from hers, but she didn't expect that she would be worse than herself. She thought that she had been born after giving birth. Only the eldest son allowed his concubines to become pregnant, but before his daughter's belly could move, her son-in-law's aunt came to the house pregnant. She was very sad and felt useless for her daughter. She wished she could come to the house to seek justice for her daughter.

However, after she calmed down, she said to herself, what if I hit her? The aunt is already pregnant. Even if she knocks on the door, the child in the aunt will still be born, and the daughter will still have to live her life. If she makes a scene and breaks her face, the daughter will be in her husband's house in the future. It’s not easy to get a foothold either!

Born into a family like theirs, one can only live together until the end. Reconciliation is impossible. This world does not allow women to reconcile. Reconciliation is a very shameful thing. Anyone who violates the rule of seven escapes will be punished. It's just as shameful to divorce your husband's family. Looking at the Jin Dynasty, the incidents of Heli in the past hundred years can be counted on the palm of a hand, and none of the women after Heli ended up with a good ending. They were either executed by their families, or had their hair cut off and became nuns, and ended their lives as Qingdeng Ancient Buddha .

Therefore, many women were forced to have no way out. They would rather hang themselves with a rope than harm their family with Heli. If my daughter really reconciles and divorces, unless their whole family hides in the house and never sees anyone, everyone will drown them in their spit!

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