Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1210 An old friend is here (3)

Therefore, the road to peace and separation is simply not feasible. As long as my daughter is still alive, she must continue to live in that mansion.

Seeing that his mother was silent, Xiangyun sniffed and said dullly: "Actually, I also planned to fight for it, but my eldest aunt came and told me that the woman was already pregnant with his child and is now raising it in the house." As for the fetus, mother, my husband has a child with another woman, how do you want me to face him? I can't get over this hurdle in my heart!"

Mrs. Wu took the handkerchief, wiped her tears from emotion, and sighed: "Silly girl, what can you do if you can't make it? You have to make it even if you can't. As women, we are destined to suffer a lot, giving birth to children. , take care of the housework, serve the parents-in-law, and look at other people’s faces. Finally, you have to endure men marrying mistresses, concubines and concubines being born, wandering around under your nose every day... You can't get away, and you can't hide, so, Yun'er, just bear with it. When you have your own child in the future, life will be much easier if you just look at the child. This is how my mother got through it in the first place!"

Xiangyun said: "Mom, why do we let ourselves live so hard? In fact, we can live the life we ​​want and our own life without relying on men, relying on our own hands and wisdom. Isn't that better? ?"

Unconsciously, she thought of what Caiwei said to her that day!

Mrs. Wu smiled bitterly and said: "You kid, what are you talking about? If women are all alone, nine out of ten will not obey such a fate. However, we are not alone. We have a family behind us." , have parents, brothers and sisters, if they are all trying to make themselves happy and live the kind of life you mentioned, their own reputation will be ruined, and the reputation of their family and parents will be ruined. Brothers will have their careers hindered, and sisters will be hindered. Even if a woman is divorced, she will be discriminated against by her husband's family even if she is married. Therefore, when a woman is married, she is a member of her husband's family when she is born, and a ghost of her husband's family when she dies..."

After listening to her mother's words, Xiangyun lowered her head sadly and said with disappointment: "Mom, my daughter knows that she is too selfish. From now on, my daughter will no longer want to divorce and can be a member of the Mo family with peace of mind." Young Madam, I will never bring discredit to the family!"

Mrs. Wu said: "Since you are destined to be Zili's wife, you should take advantage of your youth and beauty to find a way to win his heart and try to give birth to a son as soon as possible. If you have a son, you will have a happy life for the rest of your life." Come on..."

Xiangyun stagnated and had a son with him?

However, there is a woman in the house who is pregnant with his child. She is so heartbroken that she cannot convince herself to cater to him and have a son with him. What should she do?

Caiwei slept in the space for nearly two hours before waking up, but it was less than an hour outside. When a person is full of sleep, he will naturally feel energetic.

After coming out, she called Chunliu and asked if Xiangyun had come. Chunliu said, "Miss Xiangyun is not here, but Eunuch Chen from the Queen Mother's Palace is here. He is waiting outside. He said that the Queen Mother has invited you to go." Sit in her palace, my dear, do you think we should go?"

Chunliu had been with the Queen for so long and had learned a lot. She knew that the Queen Mother had offended the Queen. Therefore, when Chen Shangxi came to invite the Queen, she did not call the Queen immediately. Instead, she asked him to wait outside until the Queen woke up. , so as to kill the majesty of the Queen Mother!

Caiwei was very satisfied with Chunliu's approach and said with a smile: "I have been away from the banquet for a long time, so it's time to go. Otherwise, if I leave the banquet and the Queen Mother also leaves the banquet, people will make irresponsible remarks. , you go and tell Chen Shangxi that I will go to the Queen Mother when I have time, and send him back first!"

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