Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1211 An old friend is here (4)

Chen Shangxi stood outside for a long time, but finally waited for this result. He felt very unhappy, but he did not dare to say anything, so he had to go there in anger!

Hey, among all the queen mothers in the past dynasties, probably only the queen mother he served was treated so miserably by her own daughter-in-law!

Ever since Empress Dowager Mo teamed up with Tuo Tuo to poison Nangong Yi, Caiwei's heart has become cold towards her. It's just because she is Nangong Yi's biological mother that she didn't take action against her. Otherwise, she would have died long ago without a burial place. At this moment, she still wants to act like her mother-in-law in front of her, and she wants to come and go as soon as she is called as before. It is absolutely impossible. If she wants to see her, it depends on whether she is in a good mood or not. Say it again!

After drinking a cup of scented tea, Caiwei put on a true red long-sleeved shirt, a dark blue embroidered gold cloud and phoenix pattern, and a long red skirt. Her hair was not in a high bun, but was only tied loosely behind her head. After putting on the ingot bun with a nine-tailed phoenix hairpin that represented the queen's identity, she held Chunliu's hand and returned to Linshui Pavilion calmly.

The play in Linshui Pavilion is still being sung, and "North Point Red Lips" has been sung long ago. At this moment, "Out of the Mountain" is being played on the stage. I don't know who ordered it, but I can tell that the person who ordered the play is I took great care and only clicked on the playbooks that the Empress Dowager liked to listen to.

Seeing that Caiwei was back, the Empress Dowager relaxed obviously. Otherwise, at her birthday banquet, her daughter-in-law and granddaughter-in-law would have left the banquet and not showed up. Her old face would have nowhere to put it. Fortunately, Caiwei has a harem. The master is back, and her face is saved. As for the woman who always has a cold face, everyone knows that she has no rights in the harem anyway, so just love her and never return!

Not long after Caiwei sat down, Huanqiu also came back, and whispered to Caiwei: "Mrs. Li has been talking to Mrs. Wu. The slaves did not dare to get too close, so I did not hear what they said clearly. However, Mrs. Li seemed to He looks very depressed and his shoulders are slumped when he walks!"

Caiwei understands Xiangyun's character. She is a simple girl who has always been moody and angry. Since Huanqiu can see that she is depressed, it must be because she is in a bad mood and it must be Du Wanqing who brought her down. Come to trouble!

She thought for a while and said, "Go and tell Xiangyun and ask her to try to leave the house tomorrow morning and wait for me at Mu Ji Shenxing..."

After Huanqiu went down, Caiwei raised her eyes and continued watching the show!

In the evening, all the ladies who came to celebrate their birthdays dispersed. Caiwei ordered a banquet to be set up in the Wufeng Tower in the Imperial Garden. She ordered Qiu to personally invite Chao Gui over and made it clear that Chao Gui would give her the gift. The military advisor who wanted to send a longevity picture was also brought along!

Ever since she learned about that person's existence, Caiwei has been wondering what kind of person this military advisor would be, and what was his or her identity in the previous life? Could it be someone related to her? I remember that when she traveled through time, she accompanied the president on a visit to a certain country, and was blown up by a bomb when she got off the plane.

The situation was very urgent. A bomb was flying. She quickly blocked the president, flew up in the air, kicked the bomb, and tried to kick it away. However, the bomb exploded the moment it hit her feet. Her last memory was of her legs flying into the air. As for whether the explosion hit anyone else, she had no idea!

But one thing she can be sure of is that modern people who can travel to this time and space like her must have a certain connection with the time and place of her death or other reasons. They must be possessed by someone with a certain mysterious power. I got an opportunity to travel here. Otherwise, if anyone could travel here after death, this would have become a world of modern people and a modern industrial city long ago!

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