Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1212 An old friend is here (5)

But, who would be this person who traveled through time with her? Could it be that he is the president she is protecting? Or a male bodyguard standing next to the president? Or is it someone else?

In short, no matter who it is, it is fate to come to this world with her. As long as he (she) is not an enemy, she will definitely treat him (her) well!

Soon, Chao Gui followed Huan Qiu. She brought two personal palace maids, two old nuns, a senior eunuch in his thirties and a young eunuch of thirteen or fourteen years old. Chao Gui brought The group of people arrived in front of Cai Wei and knelt down respectfully: "Chao Gei, please pay your respects to the Queen, who may live a thousand years, a thousand years, a thousand years!"

Caiwei glanced at the servants behind her and saw that the maids and nuns were all very respectful. Only the young eunuch, who was thirteen or fourteen years old, glanced at Caiwei quickly when he knelt down. His eyes were as sharp as a knife. After a quick glance at Caiwei, he lowered his head.

Caiwei understood everything. She smiled and said, "Get up quickly. Today's birthday banquet is very good. You have shared my worries for me. It's too late for me to thank you. How can I accept your gift?"

With that said, he signaled to Huan Qiu to help Chao Gui and stand up.

Chao Gui was very happy to be so favored by the Queen, and became even more careful. After standing up, he said respectfully: "The Queen is so impressed. Chao Gui can gain the Queen's trust and hand over such a big matter." Give it to me, Chao Gei will do his best, but Chao Gei's abilities are limited, there are still many things wrong with this birthday banquet, I hope the empress will forgive me!"

Caiwei said: "Don't be modest. It's really good. Especially your unique birthday gift is really an eye-opener for me. I wonder which military advisor helped you come up with it?"

When Chao Gui heard this, she hurriedly turned around and said to the young eunuch who was thirteen or fourteen years old: "Liu Xi, the Queen has praised you, why don't you come over quickly to express your gratitude?"

The little eunuch came over and smiled at Caiwei. Just as he was about to kneel down, Caiwei said: "Excuse me. You are a meritorious official. I should reward you. Tell me, what reward do you want?" "

Liu Xidao: "Thank you, the Empress, for the reward. I ate something a long time ago, and I haven't forgotten it since I entered the palace. If the Empress can let the imperial chef cook that kind of food for me once, it will be the greatest reward for me!"

Chao Gui was shocked. She didn't expect that this ignorant Tai Liu Xi would make a request to the Empress. She was so frightened that she turned pale and said anxiously: "Liu Xi, you are so brave, you dare to make a request to the Empress. Why don't you kneel down and admit your mistake to the empress!"

After saying that, he hurriedly knelt down and said to Caiwei: "Empress, Liu Xi was transferred from below. He doesn't know the rules. Please don't blame him!"

Caiwei smiled and said: "I said that I would give him a reward. He asked me for it to prove that he is an honest child. Otherwise, if he doesn't say what he wants in his heart, he will make people feel uncomfortable. That's the way to do it." It's annoying, so Liu Xi is not wrong, it's Chao Gei who is too rigid and cautious!"

After finishing speaking, he said to Liu Xi with a smile: "Whatever you want to eat, just tell me!"

Liu Xi cupped his hands and said, "Return to the Queen, I want to eat medium-rare Kobe steak!"

Caiwei was shocked. Kobe steak is one of the most famous beef in her world. It is produced in Hyogo Prefecture, Kobe, Japan. It is fragrant but not greasy and melts in the mouth, making people unable to stop eating. Chopsticks, in the previous life, her master, the President, loved to eat medium-rare Kobe steak, and he ate it about once or twice a week. Now, this thin little eunuch talks about it in a familiar tone. The medium-rare Kobe steak gave her the urge to burst into tears when a fellow villager meets a fellow villager!

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