Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1213 An old friend is here (6)

However, just by saying Kobe steak, it was not completely certain that he was the President. Caiwei suppressed her inner excitement and said: "Our Jin Dynasty has never allowed the slaughter of cattle, horses and other large livestock, so you should try something else!" "

Liu Xi's eyes flashed and he said: "I have a friend who died to protect me a long time ago. I often think of her. She loves Malatang, Sichuan hot pot and so on. Please give me the order from the Queen." , let the imperial chefs make a bowl of Malatang or a pot of Sichuan hot pot for the slaves, so that the slaves can commemorate their old friends!"

In her previous life, Caiwei didn't have a very strong desire for food. If she had to name one or two of her favorite foods, they would probably be Malatang or Sichuan-style hot pot. Everyone around Lian Tong knew this. There is no secret, even the President knows it!

At this point, Caiwei was startled and she was almost sure who the person in front of her was. She looked at the little eunuch in front of her with pity, as thin as a bamboo pole. In any case, there was no way to connect him with the fat-bellied and extraordinary-looking President. stand up.

The Liu Xi in front of me was sallow and thin, looking like he was just recovering from a serious illness and malnourished. That was all. What was important was that he was actually a eunuch!

The President also wore it, and actually wore it on a eunuch. This... It’s so unacceptable! Of course, the person who has the hardest time accepting this should be the President himself, oh no, it’s the little eunuch Liu Xi!

When Chao Gui saw that Liu Xi didn't understand any rules and was just asking the queen unscrupulously, she couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. She scolded: "Liu Xi, don't be rude!"

Caiwei said: "It's okay. I like Liu Xi very much because he is so frank and frank. I plan to stay by my side. Later, I will ask the Ministry of Internal Affairs to pick out some good ones for you." His nest?"

Chao Gui hurriedly said: "Thanks to the Queen, it is his good fortune to think highly of him. Liu Xi, why don't you thank me quickly!"

Liu Xi glanced at Caiwei for help. Seeing that Caiwei didn't say the word "no courtesy", he had to hide his resentful eyes and knelt down, kowtow to thank her!

The dinner was used up quickly, and Chao Gui did not dare to stay longer. After having dinner with the queen, he exchanged a few words and left with the others.

Before leaving, he repeatedly asked Liu Xi to serve his master well and be loyal to his master. Liu Xi lowered his head and agreed one by one! 'When they met in the imperial study, Caiwei dismissed everyone around her and walked back with only Liu Xi.

When she reached a quiet place, Caiwei stood down and said, "Is it really you? Mr. President?"

Liu Xi shrugged, spread his hands and said, "Do you want me to prove it? Tell me your measurements in your previous life?"

Caiwei glanced under him and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that you are already in this position, and you are still joking in your leisure time?"

Liu Xi lowered his head and glanced at his lower body and said, "Is this what you are referring to? Well, it is indeed a pity, but just think about it. Since it has become a fact, there is no point in not accepting it. It is better to look away. Come on, enjoy this hard-won second life in time!"

When it came to enjoyment, Caiwei immediately thought of the kind of joy that men love to enjoy most. Her eyes couldn't help showing a look of pity and said, "It's good that you can drive. I'm really afraid that you won't be able to accept it." The gap from president to slave has turned into those eunuchs with psychological distortions and split personalities!"

Liu Xi said: "Don't worry, I have a strong psychological endurance. Compared with normal men, except that I can't have sex and can't have children, there is nothing different about me!"

"You can't pee standing up yet!" Caiwei glanced at him and added.

Liu Xi was shocked. With a dark face, he glanced sideways around Caiwei's body and said disdainfully: "You have such a vicious mouth, no wonder your breasts are so small!"

Caiwei straightened up and said: "My body is only fourteen years old and is still in the process of long-term development. Don't worry, sooner or later I will be as rough as before. But you will be in misery. Even if you grow up, It won’t grow even after a hundred years! Hahaha…”

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