Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1214 Xiangyun goes berserk (1)

That night, when Xiangyun followed the old lady in the car back home, the old lady asked lovingly: "Girl Yun, have you had enough at the banquet today?"

Xiangyun smiled and said: "Thank you, grandma, for remembering. Xiangyun is full. "

The old lady said, "It's good to eat when you're full. Once you're full, you'll be energetic enough to deal with that flirtatious monster." Xiangyun knew what the old lady was referring to, and his expression darkened, he lowered his head silently, and mechanically wrapped his arms around in the veil.

The old lady said: "Girl, are you blaming us for not siding with you and leaving that foxy child in the house?"

Xiangyun bit her lip and whispered: "The old lady kept her for the sake of the child in her belly, right?"

The old lady said: "The child is just one aspect. In any case, she carries the blood of our Duke Li Guofu in her belly. There is no reason to let the blood of our Duke Li Guofu's family flow outside. Of course, other than that, There are other reasons. "

Xiangyun said in confusion: "What's the reason?"

The old lady said earnestly: "Of course it's for the sake of the good of you and your wife. Everyone in the world says that what you can't get is the best. If that Du family is not by Li Xiaozi's side, he will hang on Li Xiaozi every day. Thinking about it, Li Xiaozi always feels that she is the best. Now, I will put the Du family under his nose and let them watch it every day, so that they can see clearly what kind of woman he likes. !"

"I have watched this person all my life, and my eyes are poisonous. What kind of person that Du is, I can tell at a glance. She can fool Zili, but she can't deceive me. The so-called Lu Yao knows the horse's power and will see people's hearts over time. Pretend No matter how good you are, the secret will be exposed sooner or later, just wait and see. Zi Li is a temperamental person, and when he sees Du's true face clearly, he will naturally change his mind and live wholeheartedly with you!"

Xiangyun pursed her lips and said, "Grandma, maybe women like Du are the type he likes. He always says I'm vulgar, not virtuous, and always quarrels with me..."

The old lady smiled and said: "You don't know this. It's a good thing that you are willing to quarrel with you. I understand my grandson. If he doesn't care about someone, he won't even bother to say a word! If he is willing to quarrel with you, it proves that He already has you in mind, but that stupid boy hasn't noticed it yet!"

Are you taking her to heart when you quarrel with her? What is the logic? Although Xiangyun didn't believe it, he didn't dare to argue with the old lady, so he could only say, "Grandma, I understand."

The old lady said: "Now that you know, just wait patiently. Don't be discouraged by him or give up voluntarily. Your life is yours, and men are yours too. It's useless to bet on idleness. Only when you can endure loneliness can you enjoy it." long……"

After returning home, the old lady took Xiangyun to her yard, ordered someone to fetch the old ginseng that Caiwei gave her, and said: "From now on, you will make him ginseng soup every day, you are his Wife, you should do this!"

That old ginseng is five or six hundred years old and has grown into a human shape. It is extremely precious. Looking at the ginseng clinics and medical clinics in the entire Jin Dynasty, there is no second ginseng that is older than it. This one The hard-to-find old ginseng was originally intended to be used as a treasure of the Mo family, but after Mo Zili was injured, the old lady loved her grandson, so she resolutely took out the old ginseng and cut it into pieces every day. Two slices were given to Mo Zili to make soup. Mo Zili broke two ribs and was stepped on by a horse's hoof. He recovered so quickly and can now sit up at will, all thanks to the nourishment of this old ginseng!

Xiangyun also knew how precious this old ginseng was. She saw that one-third of the old ginseng had been used and said, "Grandma, this ginseng is too precious. You should keep it for yourself. He is already well." It’s almost done, just use ordinary ginseng!”

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