Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1215 Xiangyun goes berserk (2)

"How can that be done?"

The old lady still wrapped the half of the old ginseng with a handkerchief, stuffed it into Xiangyun's hand, and said, "Here it is, just take it. I also pointed out that I can use it to make Li Xiaozi get better quickly, so that I can get better soon." I’m holding my great-great-grandson in my arms!"

Xiangyun blushed, feeling extremely moved. She put away half of the precious old ginseng and said, "Grandma, Yun'er thanks you for him. When he recovers from his injuries, we will kowtow to you again!"

The old lady smiled and said: "Go back quickly. He has been out for a day, and he still doesn't know how inattentive the people around him are!"


Xiangyun agreed, blessed his body, took the girl and Xie Xie and returned to his Qiu Shuangzhai.

Returning to Qiu Shuangzhai, as soon as I entered the main room, I heard a woman's voice talking in the inner room. The voice was soft, like an oriole's chirping, and just by hearing the voice, I knew she was a delicate beauty.

"Zi Li, this is the bone soup I've been boiling over low heat all day. It's the most nourishing. If you hurt your bones, this is the best thing to drink. Come on, drink some!"

Upon hearing this, Xiangyun immediately understood who the person in the room was. Her anger suddenly spiked. She hummed and walked in quickly.

In the room, the man was half-lying on the couch, his face turned inward, not talking, not drinking soup, and his expression could not be seen.

On an embroidered pier in front of the couch, a petite woman with a veil was sitting there, holding a bowl of soup and whispering softly: "Zili, after all, it's something I've been cooking for all day. You just want to get angry with me again." , but since our children have been busy for a whole day, let’s just take a sip! Huh?"

The woman spoke softly, coaxing the awkward Mo Zili like a child. Hearing her mention the child, Xiangyun's heart suddenly hurt sharply, and she hit the old ginseng with a "pop" sound. On the table, he pointed at Du Wanqing and said loudly: "Who are you? How did you break into my house? Who allowed you to come in?"

When Du Wanqing saw Xiangyun back, she stood up hurriedly, walked over in a few steps, put the bowl of bone soup on the table, and got down towards Xiangyunfu.

"My younger sister, Wanqing, has seen my elder sister. She should have come to say hello to her a long time ago. However, the imperial doctor said that my sister's fetus was unstable and asked her to lie down to nurse the fetus. Today, she is feeling better, so she rushed over to say hello to her."

Du Wanqing kept talking about raising the fetus, which inadvertently aroused the anger in Xiangyun's heart. Xiangyun sneered and said, "Come here to say hello? I think you came here to take advantage of the situation. Knowing that I am not here today, you ran to my house." There is a fox in the house to coax a man, and she even pretends to say hello, it's really disgusting!"

Hearing Xiang Yun's insults, Du Wanqing raised her head in disbelief. Although her expression could not be seen on the veiled face, her sad voice revealed her emotions.

"Sister, how can you talk like this? Wanqing is not that kind of... charming woman. Brother Zili can testify to this!"

As soon as she heard that a man could testify for her, Xiangyun became even more angry. She glared and shouted loudly: "Who is your sister? Stop putting gold on your face. You shameless bad woman, get out of here right away. If you can Get away as far as you can, don't let me see your disgusting face again----"

On the couch, Mo Zili turned his head and looked at the agitated Xiangyun, his eyebrows slightly furrowed, but he remained silent.

Du Wanqing was pointed at the nose and insulted loudly by Xiangyun. She was frightened and backed away, and she timidly defended: "Sister, no, young lady, I..."

Xiangyun interrupted her sternly: "Don't call me, get out, get out now, and you are not allowed to come into my room again, otherwise you will get a good look!"

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