Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1217 Xiangyun goes berserk (4)

She cried sadly, her tear-stained face full of grievances. She glanced at Mo Zili, turned around and walked towards the west room. She never appeared again that night...

Du Wanqing walked out of Qiu Shuangzhai, and Mrs. Zhang who was serving her flatteringly held her arm and said.

"Girl, be careful, it's getting dark, and my servant will help you go!"

Du Wanqing smiled softly and said softly: "Thank you, Mom!"

Mrs. Zhang said with a charming smile: "Look at what the girl said, the girl is the master, and it is the slave's job to serve the girl. If the girl has any instructions, just tell the slave, I will risk my life to help the girl achieve her wish!"

"Mother Zhang is so considerate. It is Wanqing's blessing to have her at her service. Please ask Mother Zhang to help me make a bowl of thick bone soup for the young master tomorrow!" Du Wanqing held Granny Zhang's hand and joked as she walked. I'm in a good mood.

In the past two days, Zili didn't go to see her, nor did he send anyone to ask her or give her anything. This made her feel very uneasy, and it was so easy for her to climb up to this dignified and elegant high-rise house. Young Master, she will never allow him to slip away from her grasp.

After thinking about it carefully, she felt that the reason why the man did not show up was that, on the one hand, she caused trouble in Mi Fang Zhai and got pregnant behind his back, which made him angry; He and his noble wife looked at each other all day long, and they fell in love over time!

This thought made her feel flustered. She understood a man's temperament. He wanted to live if he loved him, and wanted to die if he hated him. Without his love, she would really have nothing!

In desperation, she reluctantly gave a piece of purple jade jewelry to her and a pair of purple jade earrings to Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Wang who were serving her respectively, bribing them and making them her own. .

Today, Mrs. Zhang found out that Xiang Yun was not at home, so she hurried back to tell her the news. When Du Wanqing saw the opportunity, she took action at the right time. Although she failed to coax Mo Zili, she successfully attracted Mo Zili. The war between husband and wife is also a good record!

Xiangyun was very sad. After the persuasion of her mother and the old lady, she just wanted to make up her mind to live a good life with the man, but the man's behavior reminded her in time that he would never live with her wholeheartedly, because He has another woman, and that woman is the one he loves. Now that they have a child, they want the man to change his mind and live with her wholeheartedly. Haha, she is really stupid!

In the darkness, Xiangyun was moving around. What should she do? Reconciliation was impossible. Reconciliation would definitely bring shame and humiliation to the family. But if she continued to live like this and watched them perform loving dramas every day, would she still be stunned to death?

Hey, what should I do?

At this moment, Mo Zili, who couldn't sleep just like her, was also filled with endless resentment towards her. For some reason, Xiangyun's appearance of crying like a child always appeared in his mind, making his heart skip a beat. Although Du Wanqing also cried, crying so weakly and helplessly, he would have felt distressed before, but after experiencing the imageless, child-like crying in Xiangyun, Du Wanqing's crying left no trace in his heart, as if it had never happened.

What he was thinking about and what appeared in front of his eyes was Xiangyun's aggrieved look, which was so aggrieved that his face was filled with tears.

What's going on here? Why is this happening? Why does he always think about Xiangyun? What he has always liked is Wanqing? He just felt guilty about Xiangyun, but why did his heart hurt when he saw her crying so hard?

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