Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1218 Xiangyun goes berserk (5)

Although he didn't know whether he felt guilty for her or something else, it was undeniable that his feelings for Xiangyun were indeed different from before. At least, he was relaxed and happy when he was with her; he would be bored if he couldn't see her. Will be restless, will... miss her!


This thought shocked him. He opened his obsidian eyes and looked at the bed curtain blankly. Why did he have such an idea? What's going on here? Could it be that he was... attracted to her?

No, he has always liked the kind of women who are unique, elegant and untainted by fine things. Just like Wanqing, she is proficient in all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy and painting. But Xiangyun is a hundred thousand different from the untainted women. Eight thousand miles away, she doesn't understand poetry and books, is informal, likes to laugh loudly, likes to play pranks, and likes to eat without any image. He simply doesn't like this kind of woman... like?

Don't like it? However, he was really happy when he was with her. He was much happier and more relaxed than reciting poems and composing poems with Wanqing. During the period of injury, he smiled harder than he had in the previous eighteen years. No matter how many times he gets up, she can always make him laugh or laugh or cry. Sometimes just recalling a certain sentence or action of hers will make him giggle for a long time and be extremely happy. But, is this love?

He violated his ancestral precepts and morals for Wanqing, so how could he fall in love with another woman again? Perhaps, his feelings for Xiangyun were not love at all, but he had unknowingly gotten used to her as he spent time with her, so he gradually developed a liking for her. Well, yes, that must be the case!

Mo Zili said this to himself, but he felt that something was wrong. He always felt that there was something that he had not figured out. In this way, he thought about it over and over again until dawn.

Xiangyun also stayed up all night. After tossing and turning all night, he got up to dress up before dawn.

Yesterday, Caiwei sent Huanqiu to tell her to go to Mu Ji for a trip today. It just so happened that she didn't want to stay at home and face him, so she could use this excuse to leave home. After dressing up, she walked out. When passing by the main room, the man was sitting at the table reading a book. Hearing her footsteps, Mo Zi closed the book and raised his head.

"Get up, come and eat!" He spoke first, as if nothing happened yesterday.

Xiangyun rolled his eyes. He was so angry with her yesterday, and today he asked her to have dinner with him as if nothing had happened. It was so shameless. She originally planned to have a cold war with him and didn't want to talk to him, but he spoke. She You have to say it, otherwise if it reaches the ears of the old lady, she will be dissatisfied.

Therefore, she had no choice but to say angrily: "I'm not hungry and I don't want to eat."

Mo Li frowned and said, "What? Are you still angry about what happened yesterday?"

Xiangyun clenched his fists and said to himself, even though he knew what he was asking, he just said, "No, I just don't have an appetite. You can eat it yourself." After saying that, he took the girls and women to the front yard to give the old lady and Greetings from my mother-in-law.

Yingyu who was waiting on the side asked embarrassedly: "Sir, do you want to eat now?"

Mo Zili looked at Xiangyun's back and said, "Don't eat it yet. Let's eat together when the young lady comes back!"

Xiangyun went to the old lady and her mother-in-law Bai's courtyard to greet each other. When he came back, he found that two bowls of hot japonica rice porridge, four plates of light side dishes and four snacks had been placed on the round table in the room.

"I'm back, it's time to eat!"

Mo Zili was still sitting at the table, but his expression was a little unnatural.

Xiangyun walked into the inner room and said, "I told you that I had no appetite and wouldn't eat. Didn't you hear me?" After saying that, he went into the inner room to change clothes.

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