Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1219 Xiangyun goes berserk (6)

Mo Zili looked at the indifferent figure and said to the maid with a sullen face: "Put it away, don't eat it!"

Yingyu said carefully: "Master, you haven't eaten since noon yesterday. Take care of yourself!" Mo Zili gave her a cold look and said, "Are you the master or am I the master? When? Is it your girl's turn to decide whether the master eats or not?"

As soon as Yingyu saw her master's gloomy face, she hurriedly lowered herself to apologize and said, "I have overstepped my bounds, please forgive me!" After saying that, she hurriedly called the little girls in and removed the things on the table.

Mo Zili looked at the empty table and felt very depressed.

She was not at home yesterday, so he had no appetite for being alone. He kindly wanted to wait for her to come back and have dinner together. Unexpectedly, Wanqing came, causing them to quarrel. This morning, he got up before dawn, He ordered someone to make porridge and side dishes that she liked to eat. He originally wanted to please her, but he didn't expect that they didn't even bother to look at him. He was really angry to death!

While I was feeling depressed, I suddenly heard the sound of Xiangyun coming out.

When Mo Zili looked up, he saw that Xiangyun had changed her clothes. She wore an ancient smoke-patterned blue rosy gown and a butterfly-and-flowered smoke phoenix tail skirt, which were very eye-catching against her tender white skin. It's just that this outfit doesn't look like the clothes you wear at home.

He asked: "You want to go out?"

"Well, the queen is looking for me." Xiang Yunyan said briefly and concisely.

When she went to the old lady and madam to say hello just now, she had already told them about the Queen's appointment with her. Originally, she had no intention of telling the man that she was going out, but since he asked, she could tell him. No problem.

Mo Zili saw that she was speaking with anger. When he asked her, she simply answered and refused to say another word. He was silent for a moment and said, "What kind of jewelry do you like? I'll tell you later." Someone will buy it for you!"

Xiangyun sneered and said: "Giving something is more valuable because of the love, not the thing itself. After all, I am Hou Men's daughter-in-law, and I still don't lack those few pieces of jewelry that have no place to put them!"

With that said, he turned around and went out!

Mo Zili was kind-hearted, but she choked him, and he suddenly felt depressed. This hateful woman's temper was getting worse and worse!

After leaving Duke Li's Mansion, the carriage rumbled down the street. When she saw the bustling crowd outside, the lively streets, and the shouts and cries of vendors, Xiangyun felt much better. She sat down In the car, I secretly opened a gap in the car curtain and looked out at the street while listening to Grandma Xie's chatter.

"Young madam, since the young master wants to seek peace, why do you have to deal with it? Besides, your temper was indeed a little bit loud yesterday. It was just an outside room. Why did you get so angry?"

Xiangyun glanced at Nanny Xie and said, "Whether I spare her or not, he will think that woman is good, so why should I have to force myself to please him? Since I am a vicious and jealous woman in his heart, I will Just be generous and give him to that woman completely. I have no intention of competing for her favor anyway!"

Nanny Xie became anxious when she heard this: "Young madam, you can't think like that. Yesterday you promised the old lady not to give up on my uncle, and you also promised the madam to live a good life with my uncle. You can't go back on your word willfully, old lady." Madam and madam will be sad. Besides, even if you don’t think about yourself, you should think about our Jian’an Marquis Mansion, right?"

Xiangyun clenched his fists and said firmly: "I know, so I won't make peace with him, but I won't embarrass myself to please him or live a life of humiliation. Even if we don't make peace with him, I will also live." The life I want to live by myself!"

Grandma Xie didn't understand what the young lady meant, but her firm expression seemed to have made up her mind, which frightened Grandma Xie!

This aunt, if she is not thinking about winning back her husband's heart, what does she want to do?

When they arrived at Muji Shenxing, Xiangyun put on his hat and curtains and walked down. Surrounded by Grandma Xie and the maids and women, he entered Muji Shenxing in a grand manner.

When the waiter in the ginseng shop saw a lady coming, he thought it was a big customer and hurriedly greeted her with a smile on his face: "Madam, are you buying ginseng?"

At this time, a young man walked down from the second floor. He wore a blue brocade robe with Yunxiang Talisman and bat pattern, a rhino horn belt tied around his waist, and a warm mutton-fat white jade. His black hair was tied up. He is tied with a gold crown inlaid with tourmaline, and the whole person is graceful, elegant and elegant.

Situ Changge walked up to Xiangyun and said, "Mrs. Mo came here early in the morning. What kind of ginseng do you want to buy?"

Xiangyun said in surprise: "How do you know I am Mrs. Mo? Have you seen me? No, I am wearing a gauze hat, or do you know the people around me?"

Situ Changge said with a smile: "I just saw the carriage with the mark of Duke Li Guo at the window on the second floor. Add in the parade of the lady traveling, isn't it the lady of Duke Li's palace?"

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