Caiwei picked up the map, looked at it, and said, "What's wrong with the map of the Jin Kingdom? What do the marks on it mean?"

Nangong Yi nodded her head and said with a smile: "Think about it for yourself, and there will be a reward if you think of it.  "

Caiwei picked up the map and looked at it carefully. On the map, the geographical locations of the states, prefectures and counties of the Jin Kingdom were marked in detail. Each region had a small mark, some were red and some were black, and they were densely packed. The whole map is covered with them. I don’t know what they are?

"What does it mean?"

Caiwei put down the map, saying that she was not smart enough to guess the mystery on this map.

Nangong Yi clicked on the red marks on the map and said proudly: "In all these areas with red marks, support halls have been established!"

"What? So fast?"

Caiwei's eyes widened and she said in disbelief: "How is this possible? Are you lying to me?"

"Of course I didn't lie to you!"

The man pecked her little mouth and said proudly: "Who is your husband-in-law? He is the emperor of the Jin Dynasty. Isn't it easy to help his wife fulfill her wish?"

Caiwei took a brief look and found that there were about eight or nine hundred areas marked with red marks, which proved that there were already eight or nine hundred nursing homes in the Jin Kingdom. However, she had just discussed this matter with Nangong Yi. It was mentioned not long ago, how did he do it? "

Caiwei: "How did you do it? Did you use the national treasury? Or assigned local officials?"

Nangong Yi said: "No, I'm just passing on the decree and letting officials in various places convey my will to the people. Anyone who is willing to donate a house for support will have a nursing home named after him, and I will give it to him personally. The inscription on the support hall is nothing more than that!"

Just by donating a house, you can be personally nominated by the emperor. This is such a dignified and noble thing. Since ancient times, merchants have been of low status and only occupy the lowest position in the society. However, as long as they are personally nominated by the emperor, they can be A lowly status can also become noble, which is different from the past. Presumably, wealthy businessmen in some places will fight over the donation of houses!

"Yi, you are so smart, you deserve to be the emperor of the Jin Dynasty!"

Caiwei narrowed her eyes happily, flattered the man, and gave his handsome face a sweet kiss!

The man was so flattered that he pointed to his other cheek, gesturing for her to kiss him again. Caiwei leaned forward without hesitation and kissed that charming handsome face again.The man was still not satisfied, so he simply took the initiative instead of being passive. He held Xiangyun's little face and started to kiss her.

Just as he was getting excited, he suddenly heard Yang Yongyong's coughing sound at the right time, "Ahem, Your Majesty, Your Majesty----"

Caiwei was embarrassed and buried her face in Nangong Yi's arms. Nangong Yi was unhappy because his mood was ruined, but when he saw Caiwei looking like a little mouse, he became happy again. While gently stroking Caiwei's back, he asked lazily: "What?" thing?"

"Your Majesty, the prime ministers of Qingluo Kingdom have come to bid farewell to you. Early tomorrow morning, they will leave our Jin Dynasty and go their separate ways. You see----"

Nangong Yi said impatiently: "Didn't I already make an order for them to be fulfilled tonight at Shuntian Hall? Why did I come to say goodbye again?"

Yang Yongdao: "Prime Minister Duoce said that he has other things to say to the emperor alone. Your Majesty, do you want to see him or not?"

"Let him in!"

Nangong Yi patted Caiwei on the back and said, "Madam, you go in first, and I'll accompany you when I'm done!"

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