Caiwei smiled mischievously at the man and suddenly disappeared from the man's lap.


Nangong Yi smiled helplessly. Before the smile lines could be recovered, Prime Minister Duo Zai of the Qing Luo Kingdom had already walked in under the leadership of Yang Yong. The Prime Minister of the Qing Luo Kingdom was over sixty years old, with silver hair and a silver beard. He looks like a respected elder.

"The Prime Minister of Qingluo Kingdom, Duo Ze, has met His Majesty the Emperor of the Jin Dynasty. May His Majesty live long live!"

"Old Prime Minister, please get up quickly. Yang Yong, please give me a seat!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Duo Ze stood up, sat down on a chair brought by Yang Yong, cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, this time I came to Jin Dynasty, in addition to congratulating your majesty on being crowned a great treasure, I also followed the decree of our emperor to come to Jin Dynasty." The Great Jin Dynasty has come to look for our Majesty’s long-lost prince!"

Nangong Yi raised his eyebrows and said, "This is strange. Your prince of Qingluo Kingdom has disappeared. How could he come to our Jin Dynasty? The old prime minister is not joking with me, right?"

Duo Zai said: "Your Majesty, this matter is a long story. Please listen to me slowly tell you..."

"Twenty years ago, our Emperor, the Qingluo Kingdom, was killed by his fourth son, Wanyan Liehongjiu. Wanyan Liehong colluded with the national advisers and generals to seize the Qingluo Kingdom. After he ascended the throne, he ruled out any objections. A large-scale massacre of those who opposed his ascension to the throne. Our seventh prince, who is now the emperor, was relegated to the bitter cold land of the northwest as a slave by him. Those who were slaves there were all regarded as mortal enemies by Wanyan Liehong. , the devalued aristocratic class, the guards who guarded the slaves often brutally tortured the slaves in order to please Wanyan Liehong, and some people were killed and injured every day."

"At that time, in order to save his only son, our Emperor reluctantly gave him to a ginseng dealer who went to Qingluo Kingdom. At that time, the little prince was only two years old and had just learned to call his mother."

"Later, because of Wanyan Liehong's cruelty and cruelty, the common people revolted one after another. After sixteen years, the people finally overthrew Wanyan Liehong's rule and supported the only remaining prince, the Seventh Prince, as the Qingluo Kingdom. Your Majesty the Emperor, our Majesty is kind and kind, and loves the people like a son. Unfortunately, he himself has no children. Except for the little prince who was given to the ginseng dealer back then, our Emperor has no more children under his knees. Over the years, our Majesty has I have been sending people to search for the whereabouts of the little prince in the territory of the Jin Kingdom, but they can never be found. Our emperor has no choice but to lend your majesty the opportunity to congratulate you and ask for your help. I hope you can help us, your majesty, to find our Crown Prince, you have made our Qingluo Kingdom prosperous, and our Emperor will definitely be grateful to you!"

Nangong Yi said: "Does your little prince have any distinctive features, or does he have any tokens?"

Duozhi said: "Before the little prince was sent away, a group of guards tied him to a tree and played shooting at a target to see who could shoot the closest to the target. Later, one of the guards was not accurate and shot us. The young prince's shoulder was shot through, and our young prince almost died. As long as your majesty finds a young man with a penetrating scar on his right shoulder, he will be our legitimate prince!"

Nangong Yi said: "With such obvious features, it will be much easier to find him. Don't worry, old prime minister, this matter is all mine. As long as this prince is still alive, I will definitely try to find him!"

"In this case, I would like to thank Your Majesty in advance. Our Majesty has said that as long as you can help us find our Crown Prince, our Qingluo Kingdom will always have good relations with the Great Jin Kingdom, and we will always have the Great Jin Kingdom follow suit!"

After Duoze left, Caiwei suddenly emerged from the space and said angrily: "If that thing about using children as arrow targets happens in front of me, I will definitely nail them alive to the tree, and then kill them again." Cover your body with honey and let them be eaten bit by bit by the insects and ants, so that they can also feel the pain of being tortured!"

Nangong Yi said: "What you said is exactly what I meant. However, I think that if the little prince had such a terrifying experience, he would either become a madman or a fool, or he would become very withdrawn and introverted. If so, even if he is found Without him, I'm afraid it will be difficult to inherit the unification of Qingluo Kingdom in the future. The emperor of Qingluo will be sad to see him, it would be better not to see him!"

Caiwei said: "You will know what it will be like once you find it, right? The parrot is coming back soon. When he comes back, I will ask him to look for him. He will be found in minutes!"

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