Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1241 I want to make peace with you (4)

Cuiwei and Cuiwen, as well as Cuiping and Cuilan, as well as the dead Nanny Xie, were all Xiangyun's dowries. Originally, these two girls were very afraid of Mo Zili, but they were beaten to death on Mo Zili's order. Grandma Xie, the two girls became sad and angry for hurting their own kind. Without even looking at Mo Zili, she agreed and walked away.


Mo Zili took a step forward and said eagerly: "Wu Xiangyun, who allowed you to leave? Marry a chicken, follow a chicken, marry a dog, follow a dog. You are my wife, Mo Zili, and you can't go anywhere without my permission!"

Xiangyun raised her head, with deep hatred flashing across her pale face. She stared into Mo Zili's eyes and said solemnly: "Mo Zili, I am no longer your wife, and I want to make peace with you!" "


Mo Zili shouted: "For the sake of being a slave, you want to reconcile with me? Do families like ours have reconciliation? Even if I agree to divorce, will your parents, brothers and sisters agree?"

In the house, Mrs. Zhang was lying on the window drawer. When she heard Xiangyun propose a divorce, she immediately ran back to the couch in ecstasy and whispered: "Girl, the young lady wants to make peace with the young master!"

Du Wanqing said in great surprise: "What did he say? Did you agree?"

The mother-in-law shook her head: "Isn't this old slave watching?"

Du Wanqing whispered: "Why don't you go read it quickly? Tell me the result after you finish reading it. "

"Yes!" Madam Zhang went to eavesdrop again.

Du Wanqing was lying on the couch, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised and a proud smile on her face.

Now that Mo Zili has fallen in love with Wu Xiangyun, even if she knows that Wu Xiangyun "pushed away" their child and still refuses to fall out with her, then she can only let Wu Xiangyun fall out with him. She is worried that there is no way to make Wu Xiangyun fall out with her. While they were making a fuss, she happened to catch a glimpse of Wu Xiangyun's wet nurse secretly spying on them outside the door. How could she miss this good opportunity in vain? She immediately complained to the man that the reason why the young lady pushed her was all because of this mother-in-law. Instigation, as the young lady's wet nurse, this woman not only did not dissuade the young lady from making mistakes, but instead instigated and indulged the young lady, killing their unborn child alive!

Mo Zili was originally unhappy because of the incident where Nanny Xie had cursed someone outside and was rushing to argue with him for Xiangyun. When he heard her instigation, he immediately ordered someone to capture Nanny Xie and beat her five times. Ten sticks to serve as a warning.

And she took the opportunity to secretly instruct Granny Zhang to go outside and tell Nong Yu to ask the young man who beat people to be more ruthless. As long as the granny was killed, she would reward each of them with a hundred taels of silver, and a reward of fifty taels for those who were crippled.

Both boys were greedy for money. When they heard that there was money to be made, no matter what, they spread their arms and beat her to death. If they couldn't hit her with more than thirty sticks, they would beat her to the point where her muscles and bones were broken and her flesh and blood were broken. He flew horizontally, and in less than fifty blows, she was beaten to death!

Now that Nanny Xie is dead, Wu Xiangyun, a stupid woman, will naturally not forgive Mo Zili, and there will be no possibility of reconciliation between the two of them!

As for her, Wu Xiangyun pushed away the child, so the man would pity her a little. When the time comes, she can find a way to heal her face first, and then try to please the old lady and Mo Zili's mother while she is pregnant with a child. Step by step, she ascended to the position of young lady!

As for this Wu Xiangyun, since the man has fallen in love with her, he can't keep her. Unfortunately, she has no one available now. It seems that she has to find a way to get Wangcai back. Although the slave is greedy, but fortunately He is greedy enough and will do anything as long as he is given money.

So, Du Wanqing rolled her eyes and started thinking.

Outside, Xiangyun tidied up Nanny Xie's messy bun, looked at Nanny Xie's face tenderly, and said, "She is not a slave, never has been. She is my nurse, and she loves me more than my own mother." people..."

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