Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1242 I want to make peace with you (5)

As he spoke, he covered his face with his hands and burst into tears.

Seeing such a fragile Xiangyun, Mo Zili's heart ached. He had always been cold-tempered and never bothered to explain anything to others. But this time, when he saw Xiangyun's fragile look and cold and distant eyes, When he heard Xiangyun mention the word "harmony", he felt panicked, scared and distressed for no reason. For the first time, he wanted to explain and reconcile with her. Although he wanted to explain this kind of thing It was embarrassing for him, but as long as he could stop her thoughts of separation and stop making her resentful, he would admit it even if it was embarrassing.

"She spied on the master, and even stirred up trouble before..."

"I just ordered someone to beat her with fifty sticks as a warning. I didn't expect... to beat her to death..."

"Since she is dead, I will order her to be buried generously..."

Xiangyun cried for a long time, and Mo Zili stood beside her, explaining dryly, repeating those few words over and over again.

"I just ordered her to be beaten with fifty sticks. I didn't expect that she would be beaten to death..."

The news of Qiu Shuangzhai's death naturally soon reached the old lady's ears. At this moment, the eldest lady and her second husband were accompanying the old lady to wipe the dominoes. They were all shocked when they heard about it. The old lady was so angry that she threw away the dominoes. , patting the case and shouting: "What evil did you do? You beat someone to death. Come on, help me go and take a look!"

At that moment, several women carried sedan chairs and carried the old lady, the eldest lady and the second lady to Qiu Shuangzhai.

When the old lady waited, Xiangyun was still squatting on the ground crying heartbrokenly. Mo Zili was silent and just stood aside silently, feeling infinite regret in his heart.

The old lady entered the courtyard and saw Grandma Xie's body. She was chanting Buddha in her mouth and said with tears: "Boy Li, although we are a noble family, we never take human life lightly. This ** After all, it was a human life, how could you have the heart to beat her to death?"

Mo Zili lowered his head and said regretfully: "My grandson knows that he was wrong. Please ask grandma to punish me. My grandson is willing to accept the punishment!"

The old lady said: "Of course you have to be punished. When you recover, the old and new debts will be settled together. Little Li, you have been guilty of a lot of bad things lately. Ever since the fox entered the house, our house has It hasn't stopped, and I would say that we should drive her out today to prevent her from becoming a monster and harming people!"

Mo Zili clenched his fist and whispered: "Grandma, she just had a miscarriage and is very weak. When she recovers, her grandson will let her go out and give her a sum of money to settle the rest of her life. From now on, , how about it being irrelevant?"

Mo Zili said this sincerely. In fact, ever since he found out about Du Wanqing's pregnancy, he was no longer as enamored with her as before. He always felt that she was a scheming woman, especially these two times. When he delivered the soup, he obviously did it in time for Xiangyun's return, deliberately stirring up trouble.

He is not a fool. Although he is not very clear about the secret affairs between women, he can figure it out if he thinks about it carefully. For example, in the case of Aunt Xie, it was only at her instigation that he ordered the fifty sticks. Yes, otherwise how could anyone be killed? It made Xiangyun hate her so much!

However, she had just lost her child. It would be too unmanly for him to pursue these matters at this time. After all, she was the person he liked and had a child for him, so he had to deal with these matters for the time being. Bear it, don't have an attack.

However, after experiencing these things, all the good feelings he had for her were like falling flowers and water, passing with the wind and never coming back. At the moment, he just wanted to ask for Xiangyun's forgiveness so that he could live with her wholeheartedly. However, Xiangyun Yun seemed to hate him now, and her eyes were sharper than knives when she saw him.

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