Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1250 Mr. Li is here (2)

The mention of the word 'sorrow' touched Xiangyun's heart. She pursed her lips and said sadly: "It would be fine if the nanny died of illness or old age, but she died in such a way. You How can I express my condolences?" After saying that, tears were already rolling down.

Liu Xi said tentatively: "The Za family has been busy looking for hot pot restaurants these days and has not paid attention to the affairs of the young lady's house. I wonder if I can take the liberty to ask Grandma Xie how she died?"

Xiangyun knew that Liu Xi was Caiwei's confidant, so he didn't hide it from him. He cried while talking and told him what happened intermittently.

Liu Xi felt very heavy after hearing the cause of Nanny Xie's death. Although he had only met Nanny Xie once, he would never forget the scene when Nanny Xie fought with those gangsters for Xiangyun. Her heroic deed of desperately protecting her calf deeply shocked him. At that time, Grandma Xie was just a red-eyed mother, trying all her strength to protect her wronged children, even if she knew she couldn't beat them, she would fight them. Such a considerate grandmother was actually Beating him to death was hard for a grown man like him to accept, let alone a fragile boudoir woman like Xiang Yun. No wonder she left home sadly!


After coming out of Zhuangzi, Liu Xi was affected by Xiangyun's sadness. He thought about the attention and admiration he had received in his previous life, and also thought about how he could not even do the most basic things as a man in this disabled body after traveling through time. Unexpectedly, he looked languid and in a very bad mood. Butler Han from the Duke Liguo Mansion looked displeased at him and did not dare to talk to him without permission. He only accompanied him silently back to the capital. When he passed by Mu Ji on his way, Han The housekeeper couldn't help but said: "Father, Mu Jishen has arrived. Would you like to go have a drink with the shopkeeper?"

"Go, go, why don't you go!"

Liu Xizheng was unhappy and wanted to find someone to drink and talk to. When the butler reminded him, he suddenly thought of Situ's previous invitation, so he opened the curtain and jumped out of the carriage.

After getting off the car, Liu Xi turned around and said to Butler Han: "Old boy, go back and tell your Mr. Li that it was your Grandpa Xi who said it. He is just a blind bastard." He deserves his wife for not wanting him!"

After saying that, he waved his sleeves and swaggered into the parade...

Butler Han was scolded for no reason and choked with anger, but since he was from the palace, he didn't dare to scold him back, so he had to swallow his anger and go back.

After returning home, he told his mother-in-law who was guarding the second door, called out his wife, and then asked his wife to go in and report to the second wife Bai that her errands had been completed.

Not long after the housekeeper's wife entered, a woman came out and called housekeeper Han, saying that Mr. Li had ordered him to go to the study to answer the question. Butler Han did not dare to slack off and hurriedly followed his mother-in-law to Mo Zili's study.

Mr. Li's study is adjacent to Mr. Jing's and Mr. Qi's. Enter the second door and walk west, pass through a verandah, and follow a cobblestone path. You can reach it in less than a cup of tea!

In the study, Mo Zili was wearing a brown homely dress embroidered with dark flowers and cloud patterns. He was sitting behind the desk reading a book. When the housekeeper arrived, he respectfully called Qian and said, "Greetings, Mr. Li!"

Mo Zili said lightly, "Well, get up!" without taking his eyes off the book.

Butler Han knew Mo Zili's temperament and did not dare to say anything. He bowed his head obediently and kept his mouth shut. He would never talk much unless his master opened his mouth.

I don't know how long it took, but just when he thought Master Li had forgotten his existence, Master Li's voice suddenly came over.

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