Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1251 Mr. Li is here (3)

"Is she okay?"

Butler Han was stunned for a moment, then understood and hurriedly said: "Returning to the young master, I have been waiting outside and have never seen the young lady, so, uh..."


Mo Zili threw the book aside, with a bit of sullenness on his face because of disappointment.

"Don't you know how to ask Zhuangzi's people about the young lady's current situation? How is she? Has she had a good meal? Did she say when she will be back? Didn't you ask these questions? How did you become a slave?"

Butler Han shrank his shoulders and said, "Master, the old lady and the ladies often send people to Zhuangzi to deliver things. These things, I thought... You know, so I... didn't ask..."

Just after he finished speaking, Mo Zili's expression became a little colder, and there was an evil look on his face.

"Butler Han, I think you've had enough of being a butler, right?"

As soon as he received Mr. Li's sinister look, Butler Han was shocked. He knelt down in a hurry and said with a buttoned head: "Master Li, please forgive me. I know I was wrong. I will prepare the carriage and horses now. I will go to Zhuangzi again. I will definitely take care of you." The young master’s questions have been answered..."


Mo Zili interrupted him and said coldly: "You go prepare the car, and I'll go with you."

"What? This... this..."

The housekeeper was stumped, saying that it had been a hundred days since his bones had been broken, and Mr. Li had two broken ribs. It had only been less than a month, so how could he withstand the bumps of the carriage? If anything goes wrong, the old lady and the ladies will definitely kill him alive!

"What the hell, why don't you go quickly!"

Mo Zili shouted angrily and slapped the case, which frightened Butler Han. He said "yes" and hurriedly ran out.

When he got outside, he bitterly ordered the servants to prepare the carriage and horses. Although the old lady and the second lady would scold him for taking Young Master Li out, it was better to offend Young Master Li. Although this gentleman seemed to have a cold temperament, he looked like a He doesn't take anything to heart, but he is the most stubborn at heart. If he offends him, he will never let him go easily. Therefore, it is the lesser of two evils, so just do as you are told...

At this time, Mo Zili was sitting in the study, lowering his head and slowly drinking tea from the cup. On the surface, he still looked indifferent and calm, but in his heart, he was already surging with mixed feelings. So calm on the surface.

It's been seven days. She has been away from home for seven days. During these seven days, his ears were no longer filled with her cheerful and playful laughter, nor her whining to find trouble. His life suddenly became silent, as quiet as... It was like a dry well, so boring that people couldn't breathe. Although Du Wanqing occasionally sang softly and composed impromptu poems, to his ears, it sounded so boring and artificial. It's really strange why he used to do it. Didn’t you notice that Du Wanqing was pretentious?

Probably they didn't see each other often at that time, and they didn't spend much time together every time they met. Therefore, he didn't have time to see her clearly. In his heart, he always thought that she was a pure, elegant and holy woman who did not eat the fireworks of the world. , But, it’s different now, she lives under the same roof as him, and he has enough opportunities to see her true temperament.

She kept saying that she was sad for her lost child and that she had no love for her life, but she couldn't wait to find the imperial doctor to heal her face. She showed herself to be untainted and unscrupulous, but she always hinted that he would give her expensive gifts. . The closer he got to her, the more disappointed he became. The extremely clean face and unstained soul before had gradually collapsed in his heart and had become unsightly.

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