Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1252 Mr. Li is here (4)

He has made up his mind to give her a sum of money and send her away as soon as she recovers, and they will have nothing to do with each other from now on.

He wanted to find Xiangyun back. Although Xiangyun could not dance in the wind and moon, recite poems and compose poems, she was real, lovely, and her straightforward and lively character could always infect him unconsciously, making him suddenly enlightened. , when she was away, he could not help but think of her and the short but beautiful time they spent together.

She held up her jade-white fingers, like a little fox, and asked him mysteriously: "What is this?"

She put her hands on her hips and laughed loudly: "Idiot, you are convinced now..."

She hid a chess piece behind her back, raised her cute little face, and argued eloquently: "Isn't this the rule of chess?"

He didn't deliberately remember her every frown, every smile, every expression, every movement, every word, but they all remained clearly in his memory, as if they were engraved on his heart. He kept thinking about it, immersed in it, and couldn't extricate himself!

I don't know what he thought of, but he curled up the corners of his mouth and smiled lightly. The young man suddenly walked in. When he saw the smiling master, he was startled. He thought he had seen a ghost in broad daylight. .

The master rarely smiled, and even when he did, it was mostly with a disdainful chuckle or sneer. A person like this would be infatuated... A silly smile, yes, it was definitely a silly smile. This was the first time he had seen it. This smile was really rare and precious. If this Chengcai brother had also traveled through time, he would definitely regret not bringing a mobile phone with him. Otherwise, he would The cliff will take a photo of the master’s silly smile and keep it as a unique collection!

When Mo Zili found someone entering the room, he quickly withdrew his smile, grimaced and said in a cold voice, "What's the matter?"

"Uh... Sir, Butler Han said... The car is ready..."

After peeping at his master being caught, Chengcai lowered his head with a guilty conscience, not daring to look at the murderous look in the young master's eyes.

Fortunately, the master didn't get angry. He only said coldly: "Go and notify Mother Wu and ask her to send all the things she prepared to the car. We will set off immediately..."

After Liu Xi left Zhuangzi, Mrs. Wu trotted into Xiangyun's house and asked Xiangyun repeatedly what decree the queen had sent.

She secretly thought that the queen was the granddaughter-in-law of Duke Li's family. In the future, she would have a younger sister who would marry into Duke Li's family. She would naturally speak for Duke Li's family. Therefore, when Eunuch Liu came, she was filled with excitement. I hope that the empress will issue an edict and force Xiangyun to return home. If the Queen Mother issued such a decree, even if her daughter was stubborn, she would never dare to disobey the decree and disrespect her, and the stone in her heart would fall.

Unfortunately, Xiangyun just said lightly: "The queen came to borrow a pattern from me, and I have already given it to her!"

"Is there anything else? Doesn't the Queen know you're out?" Mrs. Wu asked unwillingly.

"No more." Xiangyun replied dryly.

Mrs. Wu was disappointed, but then she thought again, if someone could tell the queen to give a decree to Xiangyun, wouldn't she be able to return to the Liguo Palace obediently? As long as she goes back, won't all the problems be solved?

Thinking of this, Mrs. Wu wiped away her previous frustration, left Zhuangzi happily, went straight to Duke Li Guo's Mansion, and went to discuss with her mother-in-law...

Mother finally left, Xiangyun's ears became clear. After sending her mother away, Xiangyun did not go back to the house, but walked around the wall of Zhuangzi, looking at the vegetables and fruits growing, smelling the freshness Yes, the aroma of fragrant grass mixed with the earthy smell immediately made me feel relaxed and happy, as if my body had relaxed a lot.

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