Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1253 Mr. Li is here (5)

In this village, in addition to their five masters and servants, there are also the farm steward Li Fengying and his wife Su, as well as several servants who do menial work. The old lady was afraid that she would not be used to the food in the village, so she specially gave her He hired a cook and a maid who was good at making snacks, and also sent four nurses to live in the gatehouse as soon as he entered to protect Xiangyun's safety.

Therefore, although Zhuangzi is small, it is not deserted. You can see people walking in and out at any time.

Because there were men outside, Xiangyun didn't go out easily. She only walked around the yard. She walked for a while, and Cuiping came over and said, "Young madam, lunch is ready. Please go and use it!"

Xiangyun nodded, turned around and went back to the house.

These days, she was in a bad mood and her appetite was not very good, so she ate a lighter diet. She only ordered the cook to steam a fish, stir-fry a plate of bamboo shoots, mix a plate of cold dishes, and a bowl of Jianlian red date soup is served with a bowl of white stem rice.

While eating, suddenly there was the sound of urgent footsteps. Before anyone came in, I heard Manager Li's wife, Su, shouting in the yard: "Young madam, you are very happy. The young master has come to see you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiang Yun's face suddenly changed. What was he here for? Didn't she already explain it to him before he left? In this life, she and he were incompatible. She would never return to Duke Li's Mansion. Could it be that she Wasn't his attitude firm enough to make him give up?

Xiangyun put down his chopsticks, Cuiping hurriedly handed over the handkerchief, and Cuixi handed over the basin. Xiangyun took a bite and was wiping his mouth with the handkerchief. Strided in.

His face was a little pale, probably because the carriage was bumpy on the village road, and his brows were slightly frowned. When he saw Xiangyun, his frown suddenly relaxed.

He looked straight at her and walked in front of her. The two of them were separated by a table, one standing and the other sitting, looking at each other without saying a word.

Xiangyun wears an ivory Bijia outer cover, a light yellow middle coat, a white Ruyi silk ribbon around her waist, a white magnolia Hetian jade hairpin on her head, and a pure white pearl flower in the hairpin. , wearing a pair of pearl earrings on her ears. Without other accessories, she looked even more beautiful and lovely.

People say that if you want to be pretty, you must be filial. In Mo Zili's eyes, Xiangyun's plain dress is many times more beautiful than the ladies he has seen with their hair full of pearls and emeralds and silk silks. !

Mo Zili wore a brown round-neck robe embroidered with dark flower and cloud patterns, a charcoal-colored belt around his waist, crimson trousers, and a pair of black thin-soled soft boots. His expression was cold and calm, not angry or intimidating. , which is no different from what he used to be.

Xiangyun's eyes fell from his robe to the crimson trousers exposed at the corners of the robe, and he couldn't help but frown. Everyone in the village followed her to pay tribute to Aunt Xie. No one wore brightly colored clothes. His trousers , it seems not only disrespectful to the deceased, but also a sign of lack of remorse for his actions.

Thinking of this, she withdrew her gaze and asked coldly: "What are you doing here?"

Mo Zili knew that Xiangyun was still angry with him, and he didn't expect her to give him any good face, but he still wanted to retain some face in front of the servants, so he turned to the girls and said coldly They glanced at each other and motioned them out.

Cuiwen Cuilu and others were originally very afraid of Mo Zili. He was always serious in speech and never angry, but since they witnessed the tragic death of Grandma Xie, several girls have developed the mentality of being sad when a rabbit dies, a fox is sad, and things hurt others. Feeling sad, they all turned fear into strength, resisting his cold and terrifying eyes!

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