Mo Zili sat there, and the tea poured by Xiangyun poured on his head. He did not hide, or even blinked, and allowed the hot tea to slide down his pale cheeks, getting wet. All in one.

Cui Wen Cui Lu and others on the side were frightened and hurried to Xiang Yun's side, blocking Xiang Yun with their own bodies, lest Mo Zili suddenly fall out.

However, Mo Zili did not move. He sat there motionless, looking at Xiangyun who was crying and out of breath, with a look of unbearable expression on his face. After a long time, he said in a low voice: "Xiangyun, although I made an unintentional mistake, I still have to bear most of the responsibility for this matter. I don't blame you if you are angry. If you think you can throw water on me, I won't do it." If you want to relieve your anger, you can come over and beat me until you are relieved!"

Xiangyun was crying. When she heard what Mo Zili said, she raised her head and said bitterly: "I'll beat you. What's the use of beating you? Even if I kill you, my nanny won't be able to come back. So, I won't If I beat you, I won't forgive you. Just leave and don't come back again..."

Mo Zili didn't move. He looked at Xiangyun who was crying with pity and remained silent...

"You go, you go----"

Seeing that he refused to leave, Xiangyun became even more angry. She grabbed the bowl, chopsticks and plate on the table and threw them at him. Cuiwen and Cuilu were afraid of something happening, so they hurriedly stopped her, folding their arms and grabbing the bowl. The chopsticks grab the bowl and chopsticks.

Cui Wei anxiously said to Mo Zili: "Master, you'd better go back first. The young lady has been ill these days and has only gotten better in the past two days. The young lady will be very angry when you are here. What will happen if she falls ill again?" Is it good?"

After hearing this, Mo Zili stood up and said in a lonely and low voice: "That's fine, I'll go back first and come back in a few days..."

"Go away and don't come back again. I don't want to see you. I don't want to see you again in my life..."

Behind him, Xiangyun was crying uncontrollably, his voice was hoarse...

Back on the carriage, Butler Han saw Mo Zili's hair was wet and his body was still stained with soup. He couldn't help but be surprised, but he quickly figured out what was going on. He wisely shut up and didn't ask him any more questions. reason.

The carriage was driving slowly on the country road. Mo Zili was sitting in the carriage, looking in the direction of Zhuangzi, and the tear-stained face appeared in front of his eyes again...

"Mo Zili, do you know that when I found out that Du Wanqing was pregnant with your child, I gave up on you and planned a way out for myself. So, how could I be jealous and kill someone for you? But? , I have said it over and over again, but you just don’t believe it. If you don’t want to just beat me, then take it out on my nanny and beat her to scare the monkeys. But do you know? I would rather you beat me to death instead of me. Nanny, because in my heart, although the nanny is just a nanny, she is better than my biological mother. I originally wanted to take care of her until she is old and let her have a happy life for thousands of years, but... you unexpectedly... Beaten to death..."

"I know that in your eyes, Grandma Xie is just a servant. If she is beaten to death, she will die. At worst, she will be buried generously. But do you know that in my heart, she has always been dearer than my mother?" , my dearest relative was beaten to death by you one after another. When she died, her waist and bones were broken, and her skin and flesh were turned into mud. She has hurt me all her life, and she has not benefited from me at all, but she ended up like this in the end, you said , can I forgive you? If I forgive you, am I still a human being?"

Suddenly, the carriage jolted, interrupting his thoughts.

Mo Zili covered his chest. He didn't know whether it was pain in his ribs or heartache. The pain made him frown.

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