It turned out that he had misjudged her, thinking that as long as he was willing to give her a child, she would be willing to stay in this house and live peacefully as a young lady for the rest of her life. Unexpectedly, she had given up on him long ago and turned her back to him. His escape route has been arranged, and it has always been just wishful thinking on his part.

Now, coupled with the death of Aunt Xie, she is such a person who values ​​love and justice, and her feelings for Aunt Xie are so deep, she will never look back!

However, even so, he will not give up easily. She is his wife, the wife Ming Media is marrying. No matter what, she is his. Even if she hates him extremely, he will not give up easily!

As time goes by, he feels sorry for her, and he will slowly make up for it in the future, but right now, how to get her back is the top priority.

At this time, he suddenly thought of a question he had never thought of before, how did that child disappear?

Before, he always thought that Xiangyun drank too much and pushed Du Shi out of control. He also saw Xiangyun pushing the food box that Du Shi handed over, and Du Shi did drop the child because she fell down.

He has never had any objection to this. However, Xiangyun repeatedly repeated that she did not recommend Du at all. Today she made it clear what she was thinking. She did not bother to be jealous of him at all. She had already found a good place for herself. There is no way out, so with Xiangyun's character, there is no reason to attack a fetus.

Is there any problem in the middle? Could it be that, as Xiang Yun said, it was Du who deliberately fell down and dropped the child to frame Xiang Yun?

Before doing this, he would never have thought this way. It is said that a tiger cannot eat its own children, and no matter how cruel a woman is, she will not kill her own child just to frame others. However, through this period of time, he has been in close contact with Du Wanqing. , he discovered more and more that she was not who he imagined. She was good at disguising, and she didn't mean what she meant. The closer they got to each other, the clearer her true nature was exposed. Did she fall down on purpose to frame Xiangyun? He can't be sure yet, but at least he can be sure that she is by no means a simple and kind-hearted woman!

Thinking about it, he felt more and more suspicious about Du Wanqing. Anyway, when he went back later, he would definitely ask her what was going on!

In the past two days, Mo Zili's health was better than before, and he could move around. As soon as he got better, he went to the study to kill time every day, leaving early and coming back late, never coming back until bedtime, even if it was When he came back, he only took a look at Du Wanqing's house and left quickly.

Du Wanqing's understanding of this was that her appearance was ruined, and men would naturally not want to see such a face. Therefore, this further inspired her to want to restore her appearance as soon as possible. Mo Zili stayed in the study all day, which was a good thing for her. She could take the opportunity to apply medicine on her face to remove the scars as soon as possible and restore her previous beauty!

When Mo Zili returned home, Du Wanqing was lying leisurely on the couch with her eyes closed and concentrating. A little girl who had just grown her hair carefully knelt on the couch under the couch and beat her legs with a pair of beauty fists. . Her face was covered with a thick layer of ointment, which was yellow-green and smelled very pungent, like bird droppings.

Hearing Mo Zili's footsteps, Du Wanqing opened her eyes. When she saw Mo Zili, she hurriedly sat up and said softly: "Zi Li, why are you back so early today? I just sent someone to bring you lunch." Go, the boy in the study said you were not here, where have you been?"

Mo Zili sat down on a pillar where Xiangyun often sat. As if he didn't hear Du Wanqing's concern, he was silent for a while and said, "There is something I want to ask you, and I hope you can answer it truthfully." "

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