Du Wanqing's heart trembled, and her face showed a bit of panic. If her face hadn't been covered with a thick layer of ointment, her panic would have caught Mo Zili's eyes.

He forced a smile and said, "Zili, what's the matter?"

Mo Zili looked into her eyes steadily and said, "How did the child fall? Did Xiangyun push you?"

Du Wanqing was shocked: "Zi Li, what do you mean by this? If the young lady didn't push me, how could our child fall? Are you suspecting that I dropped our child on purpose to frame the young lady?" lady?"

As she spoke, her body trembled slightly, and she fell weakly on the couch, tears streaming down her face.

Unfortunately, this performance did not produce the effect of being weak and weak. Her face was covered with thick ointment, which looked like bird droppings. When her tears washed away, it instantly turned into diluted bird droppings. It looks disgusting.

"How could you do this to me? I just lost my child and I wish I could just let him go. How can you question me at this time? Just rub salt in my wounds..."

Mo Zili was not moved by her cries or performance. He still sat there, staring at her with bright eyes.

"I ask you again, did she push you? Yes, yes, no, no?"

Du Wanqing raised her yellow and green face, shook her head vigorously, and burst into tears: "No, it's really not, Zili, you can't doubt me..."

Mo Zili stood up and said calmly: "I understand, just rest!" After that, he strode out.

After walking away, Du Wanqing stopped crying, called Mrs. Zhang and asked in a low voice: "What's going on? Why did the young master suddenly ask about this? What did he do today, did he meet anyone? Go out and find out. ."

"Yes!" Mrs. Zhang agreed and slipped out.

Yingyu walked in, saw Du Wanqing's crying face, and said hurriedly: "Girl, why are you crying? Look, the ointment has been washed away. Come on, my servant will help you apply some more!"

Du Wanqing touched her face gently and said distressedly: "It's been several days and the scar is still so bright and red. Why is it not working at all? Isn't it because this ointment doesn't work?"

Yingyu said without changing her expression: "Look what you said, this was prescribed for you by Dr. Qiao. Who is Dr. Qiao? He is a master who specializes in treating skin diseases. Concubine Jin was stabbed in the abdomen with a knife some time ago. After using Dr. Qiao's ointment, my skin is as clean as before, without any scars. However, although this ointment is good, it takes a long time to take effect. Don't worry. Anyway, I am recuperating my body now, and I will wait until your body is almost healed. , this medicine should be effective!"

"Oh, I hope so!"

Du Wanqing sighed. Now, Mo Zili has begun to doubt her. With such a face, she really doesn't like men. In the past, as long as she looked at him with tears in her eyes, he would believe whatever she said. She would be busy doing it, but right now, her face can't help her with this!

I really hope to get better soon!

Yingyu helped Du Wanqing reapply the ointment, then carefully put away the porcelain box containing the ointment and retreated.

As soon as she arrived outside, Yingyu couldn't help but sneered and glanced disdainfully at the room. The stupid woman thought that she could break into the house just because she captured Mr. Li's heart. It was really funny. You know, in this Duke Li's mansion, Without the approval of the old lady and the ladies, it would be in vain for Mr. Li to love her and dote on her. The old lady and the ladies have been in the back house all their lives, and what they are best at is dealing with those restless foxes in the back house!

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