Du Wanqing's face was indeed examined by Dr. Qiao from the Imperial Hospital, and the ointment was also prescribed by Dr. Qiao. However, the ointment that was prescribed was stolen and replaced!

The second wife, Mrs. Bai, deeply hated Du Wanqing for causing discord between her son and daughter-in-law, so she secretly ordered Yingyu to replace the ointment prescribed by Dr. Qiao, and mix bird droppings with some inferior spices, expired moisturizing cream and other products to make It looked like scar removal cream and was applied to Du Wanqiu every day.

Not only that, Du Wanqiu's daily decoction also contained musk, and the dosage was huge. Bai believes that since she does not pity her children and uses innocent children to achieve her own goals, such a person who is inferior to pigs and dogs is not worthy of being a mother, so she should not be able to give birth to children in her life. Punish her for destroying other people's families and torturing and killing her own children!

Mrs. Zhang went away for a long time before she came back. When she came back, she sent the little girl in the house away and said mysteriously: "Girl, I have found out clearly that the young master went to Zhuangzi where the young lady was staying. "


Du Wanqing clenched her fists and punched the quilt several times in anger.

Whether she can succeed in Duke Li Guo's palace in the future depends only on Mo Zili's love. If Mo Zili's heart is seduced by Wu Xiangyun, depending on his character and methods, Wu Xiangyun will be brought back by him sooner or later. If so, where would there be room for her in the house?

Thinking of this, a murderous look appeared in her eyes!

"Girl, what should we do now?" Mrs. Zhang asked cautiously.

Du Wanqing looked around and whispered: "You will go out later to meet my mother, and then..."

After hearing this, Mrs. Zhang opened her eyes in shock and said in a trembling voice: "Girl, you..."

Du Wanqing glanced at her and said coldly: "What are you afraid of? If you don't succeed, you will be successful. At this point, there is no way out. Mom just lets go and do it. When Wu Xiangyun dies and I become the young lady, I will do it." Wu Xiangyun's village is left to your family to take care of. If mom is afraid and won't go, just wait for Wu to return home and slowly find our tent!"

Mrs. Zhang blinked and thought of the days when her family enjoyed their leisure time in Zhuangzi, where the emperor was far away. She also thought of the consequences of Wu Xiangyun's return home. She shuddered, her heart skipped a beat, and she said, "Okay." ,I go!"

After Liu Xi and Situ Changge finished drinking, they confided their unhappiness and felt much better. After eating and drinking, they returned to the palace in the carriage they came from to resume their duties.

Caiwei was shocked when she heard about Xiangyun's experience. She never expected that Du Wanqing, who had always been weak and sickly, would turn out to be such a ruthless character. In order to pull Xiangyun down, she would even sacrifice her own child. Come out, it’s really outrageous to think about it! When she stayed at Duke An's residence earlier, Du Wanqing had always been frail and frail like Lin Daiyu, so she could safely send her to Duke Li's residence. Unexpectedly, this woman whom she despised and ignored would He would use such vicious methods to make Aunt Xie die in vain and make Xiangyun so sad...

Thinking about it, I felt a bit regretful!

"Liu Xi, you go out again. Xiangyun left the house in a hurry. The things in Zhuangzi must not be complete. I will prepare some things for her later, and you can send them to him."

The things given to Xiangyun were all prepared by Caiwei herself, including several bolts of satin, cotton yarn, cotton cloth, and several kilograms of fine cotton. It was already late autumn, and the weather was getting colder. These things would be needed soon. . In addition, there were tea, fresh fruits, and various snacks. He also ordered the Ministry of Internal Affairs to prepare two bags of rice and two baskets of silver charcoal, all in total, and he pulled a large cart. Liu Xi had no place to sit, so he had to sit on the shaft of the carriage.

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