On the way, I met shopkeeper Situ again, but this time he was not on the second floor, but was talking to a guest in front of the store. When he saw Liu Xi, Situ was surprised and said: "Why did my father-in-law come out again? This is Where to?"

Liu Xidao: "The empress is afraid that Mrs. Mo will be miserable in Zhuangzi, so she asked the Za family to send her something!"

When the two of them were drinking before, Liu Xi had already told Situ about Xiangyun. Situ sympathized with Xiangyun's experience. He believed that Xiangyun was a kind and straightforward woman, and a few tears for a liar were enough. You can burst into tears with sympathy, and even run out to argue with him in public, how could such a woman kill a fetus in her belly? This is absolutely impossible. It must be the concubine in the house who is very scheming and used such insidious means to frame her. Unfortunately, her husband is ignorant and cannot let such a good woman like her get the love and respect she deserves. Instead, she suffers such Big grievance!

Hearing Liu Xi mention the word "poor", he frowned and said, "Did she live a miserable life there?"

After asking, he realized that his words were a bit abrupt. She was the young lady of Duke Li Guo's mansion. He shouldn't have inquired. He wanted to know if she was doing well. He could just take advantage of the darkness to take a look. Why bother? Saying it would make people suspicious, and most importantly, it would also damage her reputation!

So, before Liu Xi could answer, he cupped his hands and said, "Go quickly, I have something to do here and I can't chat with you anymore!" Then he started talking to the guest again.

Liu Xi shrugged his shoulders indifferently, sat on the shaft of the carriage, and went straight to Zhuangzi...

After dinner in the evening, the originally excellent weather suddenly started to wind and the sky became gloomy. Cuiwen was afraid of rain, so he asked Cuilu Cuiping and the others to put away the clothes to dry, and then closed the window. , moving flowers, there was a rush.

Xiangyun also arrived in the yard and brought in two pots of soothing flowers sent by Liu Xi from the Caiwei sect. As soon as he entered the house, a heavy rain started falling, and the sky became darker and darker. Xiangyun ordered Cuiping held up the lamp, took her sewing basket, and made a purse to pass the time.

Her embroidery skills are not good, and the things she makes are ugly. The unfinished pomegranate-shaped purse in her hand needs to be carefully examined to tell that it is a pomegranate. Otherwise, at first glance, it will definitely be regarded as damaged. steamed stuffed bun.

A heavy rain fell for half an hour. The rain stopped and the sky became completely dark. Xiangyun put down the needlework in his hand, stretched, asked the girls to get water to wash up, and lay down early.

However, I don't know whether it was because the forum went to bed too early, or because Mo Zili's arrival during the day disturbed her mind. Xiangyun was always upset and unable to sleep. As a result, it was already past the usual resting time, although her body I feel sleepy already, but for some reason I just can't fall asleep.

Cuiping was on duty tonight, but Xiangyun didn't want to disturb her, so she tossed and turned and endured it for who knows how long. She finally fell asleep.

Just as he was drifting off to sleep, a short scream suddenly came from outside. Xiangyun was so startled that he stood up from the kang and was about to go down to see what was going on. The door curtain swiveled. was pushed aside, and several men with their faces covered broke in.

Xiangyun broke out in a cold sweat, and his heart was beating violently. Oh my God, a gangster broke in!

She was so frightened that she quickly climbed onto the kang, took out the scissors from her sewing basket, and pointed them at the dozen men who had broken in.

"Stop, don't come over!"

The gangster at the front laughed and said, "Hey, my little lady is quite timid. Not only did she not cry in fear when she saw our brothers, she even dared to call us. However, I advise you not to waste your efforts. Resistance is just a matter of course." It can make your death worse, so why not obey our brothers and serve our brothers well, and maybe I can spare your life!"

These people in front of her not only wanted to kill her, but also wanted to insult her and make her suffer infamy after her death.

Xiangyun was angry, hateful and scared, so he forced himself to ask: "Who sent you here?"

The leader of the gangster took two steps forward and reached the edge of the kang. While getting on the kang, he said, "What can you do if you know this? You won't survive tonight anyway!"

The gangster said, having already forced himself into the corner where Xiangyun was huddled.

Xiangyun saw the gangsters coming, and a dozen other people also wanted to get on the kang. In his haste, he shouted: "I will give you money, whatever your employer gives you, I will pay you double, as long as you let me go." !"

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