While putting on his shoes, Xiangyun suddenly thought of something and said, "Where are the dirty clothes I changed out of? Where did they go?"

Cuixi whispered: "The slave took it to be burned. The slave saw that the clothes and pants were stained with the blood of the gangsters. I expected that the young lady would not want it. Besides, I kept these clothes for fear of being damaged." The reputation of the young madam..."

Xiangyun nodded, washed her hands and face, took a sip, wiped her teeth with salt, and then sat in front of the dressing table and let Cuixi help her dress up. People from Duke Li's Mansion and Marquis Jian'an's Mansion would come later. If she looked sick, they would have even more excuses to force her back.

While I was combing my hair, I suddenly heard Cuiping, who was cleaning up in the yard outside, call out: "Master Li!"

Xiangyun was startled when he heard this. He looked at Cuixi and said, "Cuiping...what did she call just now?"

Cui Wei looked in the direction of the door and was about to answer when Mo Zili opened the curtain and strode in. As soon as he entered the room, his eyes were locked tightly on Xiang Yun, with deep anxiety in his eyes: "Xiang Yun, how are you? Are you okay?"

He asked anxiously, looking at Xiangyun in front of the dressing table, the anxiety on his face was self-evident.

When he got up early in the house and heard that she had been attacked in Zhuangzi, his heart almost jumped out of his chest. When he thought about what might happen to her, he was so anxious that he rode his horse and galloped here regardless of his injuries. . Although the country road was so bumpy that his injured bone almost broke again, and the pain made him almost fall off his horse several times, but in order to see her and witness that she was okay, he endured the pain of the broken bone and bit it. The teeth were straightened out, and it wasn't until he saw her and made sure that she was fine that he finally let go of his hanging heart.

However, Xiangyun didn't appreciate his concern. She turned around and continued to comb her hair in front of the bronze mirror. After a long time, she said calmly: "Why are you here?"

Looking at her cold back, Mo Zili suddenly felt a surge of anger in his heart. He took a few steps forward, grabbed Xiangyun's arm, and said angrily: "What do you think I'm here for? I'm your husband." , something big happened to you, if I didn’t come here, would I still stay at home?"

Because of his anger, his hands were extra hard, and Xiangyun almost wanted to grin when he squeezed her. However, she endured it, her face still showing the original indifference and alienation.

"I thought I made it clear enough yesterday, but I didn't expect you to still regard yourself as my husband. Now that you are here, it's okay that we go to Yingtian Mansion to get divorced together. From now on, we will have nothing to do with each other. Do you want to marry me? Just go ahead and marry your Du Wanqing, and I will make room for her!"


These two words made Mo Zili cover his heart, as if it hurt more than his ribs. Looking at Xiang Yun's distant and indifferent eyes, thinking about how I just ran here for her, regardless of my own pain, but got such a reward, it was as if I had dug out my own hot heart and held it in my hand. I dedicated it to others devoutly in front of others, but they threw it on the ground without even looking at it, and even stepped on it twice.

After a while, he raised his head, looked at Xiangyun, and said to Cui Lu and the others: "You all go out, and you are not allowed to come in without orders!"

Cuiwen and Cuilu both looked at Xiangyun hesitantly, until Xiangyun nodded to them, they were blessed, bowed their heads and walked out.

Xiangyun felt that it was not an option to be entangled with Mo Zili all the time. It was better to explain everything clearly today. From now on, everyone would have nothing to do with each other, so he signaled Cuiwen Cuilu to leave!

Mo Zili returned to normal. He stared at the pale little face in the bronze mirror and said, "Do you know what peace means?"

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