"I know!" Xiangyun said: "It's just being laughed at and looked down upon by others.  "

"Now that you know, you still want to reconcile?" Huo Yuan's expression became ferocious, and his voice became much louder, with a hint of suppressed anger. "That incident was my unintentional mistake. You blamed me and hated me." I don’t blame you, you can vent your anger however you want, but why do you have to make peace?"

"Whether you did it intentionally or not, the consequences have already been caused. I can't get over this hurdle in my heart, let alone face you. So, unless you can make Grandma Xie come back to life, I will never live with you. We can't help each other if you don't get along with me, but I won't live with you!" Xiangyun said firmly, leaving him no room for change.

Mo Zili sneered and said, "Don't use Nanny Xie as an excuse. Even if there is nothing to do with Nanny Xie, haven't you already found a way out for yourself? Tell me, what is your way out? Dai Dai. Are you going to be attacked by gangsters at any time in this village? Or go back to your parents' home to see the cold faces of your parents? Why are you so stubborn and insist on doing something that goes against women's ethics? Why can't you be as gentle and respectful as other women?"

Now that Mo Zili had figured it out, Xiangyun didn't beat around the bush with him and said very simply: "Yes, even if there is nothing to do with Grandma Xie, I will make peace with you. I want to know why I can't be like others." Women are so gentle and respectful, I might as well tell you directly.  "

Mo Zili pursed his lips and looked at her in the mirror. Xiangyun did not avoid it and sneered: "Have you forgotten what you did to me? What kind of womanly virtues do you have the nerve to mention to me? Marry me How could you ever think of me as your wife for so long? On your wedding night, you told me that you loved another woman. You could only give me a title, and then left me to see that woman. Have you ever thought about me? How do you feel? In any case, I am the wife you are marrying, but you don’t even touch me, and let your wife get pregnant first. What’s even more hateful is that you actually said that you would give her to me with a charity attitude. A child, don’t say I don’t care about having your child. Even if I care, the child I give birth to is not the eldest son. Where do you want me and my child to put our faces?

When Mo Zili heard this, he couldn't help but defended: "I never thought about getting Du Shi pregnant. She was the one who tampered with the Bizi Soup. I also thought about being with you, but it just so happened that I fell." It's hurt, so..."

Xiangyun interrupted him and said coldly: "Even if you want to be with me, I don't want to. When your sweetheart framed me, you stood on her side without hesitation. You accused me indiscriminately and beat the person closest to me to death, which made me miserable; when your concubine was injured, you carried her to our bed without even thinking about it, without taking into account my feelings and Face. In the courtyard of Qiu Shuangzhai, my closest relatives were beaten to death, and your concubine lived in the bed that once belonged to us. How can you have the nerve to let me go back with you? "

Hearing this, a trace of guilt and determination flashed across Mo Zili's face, and he moved his lips, but said nothing.

"It's not that I haven't thought about resigning myself to fate and staying safe. Even if I arranged my own escape route, I still don't have the courage to leave Duke Li Guo's Mansion and live my own life. It wasn't until that incident happened that I made up my mind to leave. If I could If I had left earlier instead of being hesitant and indecisive, Grandma Xie would not have died, and I would not have been accused of harming my concubine and concubine." Xiangyun said indifferently.

Mo Zili took a deep breath and said: "I know I was sorry for you before, but I won't do it anymore. I have decided that when Du Shi gets better, I will give her a sum of money and let her leave. From now on, we will have nothing to do with each other. Live a good life with you, and I will always treat you well and compensate you well. In the future, we will have our own children, our legitimate sons and eldest sons, and our lives will definitely be better in the future!"

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