Xiangyun was pressed under Mo Zili and felt that her clothes were leaving her body under the influence of external forces. She felt hatred, pain and humiliation in her heart, and tears rushed out of her eyes. At this time, she was so I hope the person who saved her yesterday can appear again and save her from here.

It's not that Mo Zili didn't see her tears, his heart was just as uncomfortable, even more uncomfortable than hers. However, in order to make her lose her heart and leave him, he had to be cruel and treat her tears Turn a blind eye.

As long as she becomes his, she won't be able to make trouble anymore. It's best if he hits the target, and she will follow him home obediently. Although this method is a bit despicable, there is no other way. If she hadn't insisted on that and Even if the matter of separation is hard to come by, he will not do this!

While they were tearing apart, the voice of the housekeeper's wife, Su Shi, suddenly sounded outside: "Master Li, someone from Yingtian Mansion has come, saying they have something important to see you?"

Before Mo Zili could speak, the side room suddenly opened, and the second lady, Bai Shi, rushed out and scolded: "You blind bitch, what are you shouting about? Didn't you see that your master is busy? Why?" Don't get out. "

When Su was scolded, she shrank her shoulders and said timidly: "Madam, the official of Yingtian Mansion is here. He said that there is something very important and he must ask Mr. Li for instructions in person."

Bai asked: "What's the matter?"

Su glanced into the room and said, "The two officials said that the robbers had confessed that it was Mr. Li's concubine who instigated them to rob and kill the young lady. Now they want to ask Mr. Li for instructions. , so that we can go to the house and get someone to question the case!"

In the room, although Mo Zili was pressing on Xiangyun, he slowed down when he heard the movement in the yard. When he heard Su Shi said, "Master Li's concubine ordered them to do it. Now they need to ask for instructions." According to Mr. Li's instructions, I can go to the house to get someone for questioning! ’ When he said this, he felt like he was struck by lightning, and he was completely stunned.

How could it be her?

How could the person he had fallen in love with and regarded as the purest and most elegant woman in the world, the person he wanted to spend his life with, be so ugly?

Although she had exposed many of her shortcomings before and disappointed him, he never thought that she could collude with gangsters and pay for murders. This was different from the elegance and quietness she had always shown. It’s completely inconsistent with his character!

Ha, by the way, this is her true temperament, she was just pretending to coax him in the past!

Seeing that the man stopped, Xiangyun seemed to be stunned. She took the opportunity to push him away with all her strength, jumped off the couch and ran outside.

In the yard, Ms. Bai was still asking Ms. Su with a look of disbelief on her face: "What did the official say? Are you sure you heard it right? She is recuperating at home, how could she reach out here?"

Just as she was asking, she saw Xiang Yun running out of the house as if running for her life. She hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Girl Yun, go back to the house quickly. You are disheveled and disheveled. It will be harmful if outsiders see you." Honorable!"

Xiangyun shook his head like a rattle and cried aggrievedly: "I won't go back, he...he..."

Bai Shi said: "Hey, you two are having fun. What are you crying about? Be obedient and go back quickly..."

When Cuiwen and Cuilu heard Xiangyun's voice, they hurriedly ran out of the room. Seeing Xiangyun's embarrassed appearance, they hurriedly stepped forward to help her, but Xiangyun was crying and refused to go back to the main room. Bai Shi had no choice but to let Cui Wen and Cui Wei take her to the ear room.

As soon as they entered the room, Cui Wei and Cui Wen knelt down and cried: "Young madam, you have been wronged. The slaves wanted to help you, but the second lady suddenly came and detained the slaves in the wing room." Here, he said that you are doing business, and the servants are not allowed to disturb you. The servants dare not disobey the second lady, so, so..."

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