Xiangyun sat on the edge of the kang and cried for a while. When he saw the two girls still kneeling on the ground, he sniffed and said, "Get up. I don't blame you. It's because my awareness of precautions was too low and I forgot to consider his." Emotional. "

Mo Zili has never been a good-tempered person, otherwise he would not have ordered Nanny Xie to be beaten with fifty sticks easily. The reason why he could endure Xiangyun's accusations and quarrels repeatedly before was because he felt that he owed Xiangyun. So he gave in to her in everything; secondly, because he had fallen in love with her, and he didn't argue with her because he was afraid that she would be sad, so he tolerated her again and again.

Today, his enthusiasm was extinguished by Xiangyun's coldness and ruthlessness, and his negative emotions had exploded. Xiangyun's attitude not only provoked his dignity as a husband, but also made him feel ashamed and angry. He could not Accept that his wife is deliberately planning to leave him.

Even if he was wrong, hadn't he sincerely apologized to her and promised to live a good life with her in the future, what else would she want? She shouldn't push him too hard, let alone make him angry. This time, if someone from Yingtian Mansion hadn't come, he would definitely do it to her, not only for punishment, but also to make her stop thinking about separation. It's best to hit the target with one hit and make her pregnant. That way, she will never have those unwanted thoughts again!

Fortunately, someone from Yingtian Mansion came, otherwise I don’t know what would have happened!

Empress Xiangyun was extremely frightened. When she thought of Mo Zili's ferocious look on top of her, the hairs all over her body stood up.

Cui Wei saw Xiang Yun hugging his arms, his clothes were torn to pieces, and he didn't even have any shoes on his feet, so he said with red eyes: "Young madam, I will go find you a change of clothes. You Let's rest first..."

Xiangyun nodded, crossed his arms and sat on the edge of the kang with a gloomy expression.

When Mo Zili bullied her just now, Bai happened to be here. She was outside and heard what her son did. However, instead of seeking justice, she allowed his son to bully her, which made Xiangyun feel very sad. Chilling.

After marrying into Duke Li's mansion, although Mo Zili treated her badly, the old lady and Mrs. Bai always loved her and regarded her as their granddaughter and daughter. In her heart, she also always regarded them as their own. The elder she respected the most, never imagined that at the most critical moment, the elder she regarded as her mother would make her feel so disappointed...

When Cuixi went to the main room to get clothes for Xiangyun, Mo Zili had already put on his clothes and came out. He said to Su with a sullen face, "Where is he? Take me to see him."


Su Shi was so blessed that she was about to leave with Mo Zili. Bai Shi said, "I'll go too. I want to hear how the witch harmed people!" After saying that, she went with them.

Cuixi returned to the main room and found a white side-breasted lining with dark embroidery of Tuanfu characters in Xiangyun's closet, an ivory floor-length cotton silk skirt, and a long sky-blue jacket after rain. and a pair of Shu brocade embroidered shoes, he hurried back to the penthouse and helped Xiangyun put them on.

As soon as I got dressed, the girl outside suddenly came to report: "Young Madam, Madam is here!"

As soon as he heard that his mother was coming, Xiangyun went out to welcome her, but saw her mother rushing in with several maids and women. When she saw Xiangyun, she hugged her in her arms and started crying heartily.

"You, an enemy in your previous life, have to break your mother's heart before you are willing to accept it? You don't want to leave your good husband's family alone, and you insist on going to this remote place to suffer in anger. Fortunately, the Buddha has blessed you this time. Let you be safe. If something goes wrong, how will your mother survive..."

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