Xiangyun was held in her arms by her mother. Thinking of what she had just been bullied by Mo Ziqi, and the danger last night, she couldn't help but burst into tears.

Mrs. Wu's dowry, Mrs. Liu, advised: "Madam, don't cry anymore. Look, isn't this good for my aunt? Your crying has made my aunt cry!"

Hearing this, Mrs. Wu gradually stopped crying, looked at Xiangyun and said, "Listen to me. This time, I can't let you mess around no matter what my mother says. You must go back to my husband's house. You If you don't go back, mother will move in with you. If any bandits and robbers come again, at worst, mother will die with you."

Mother Liu said: "Madam, look what you said, you have to take charge of the affairs of the government. If you live here, who can handle the affairs of the house?"

Mrs. Wu said: "How can I take care of so much? We can't leave this enemy here and let those gangsters who kill a thousand people worry about it!"

Xiangyun was almost insulted by Mo Ziqi, how dare he go back? Hearing what my mother said, I had no choice but to beg, "Mom, I'm still keeping my filial piety for Grandma Xie. How can I keep it when I return to Duke Li's mansion? Besides, even if the old lady and my mother-in-law allow me to wear filial piety, is that unreasonable?" "

Wu said angrily: "As a master, you have been filial to a servant for so long. You have already done your best. Do you really want to be like a filial daughter and keep it to her until thirty-seven?"

When Xiangyun heard this, she cried and said, "Mama Xie died innocently and tragically because of my involvement. I have to guard her until May 7th to feel at ease. Mother, don't force me. Even if you force me, I won't obey."

The two mothers were arguing with each other, and neither of them wanted to give in. Suddenly, Mrs. Bai walked in. As soon as she entered the courtyard, she clapped her hands and said, "I'm really pissed off. What happened to Yun'er? It was the foxy Du family girl who found someone to do this. If I had known this, I would have beaten her to death with a stick, so how could she be left to make trouble!"

Mrs. Wu said in surprise: "How could she, a housewife, recognize the gangster? Could it be that my mother-in-law made a mistake?"

Bai said angrily: "Yes, it was her who did it. The servant of Yingtian Mansion just said that she bribed a deposed boy in our mansion and made him gather a group of scoundrels to do good things. Fortunately, Yun'er's life Great, there are noble people to help, otherwise, I don’t know what trouble will happen."

After saying that, he looked at Xiangyun and said, "Yun'er, let alone us, even Zili will never be able to tolerate that Du family. Our house is considered clean. You can go back to your house with your mother and stay here." What if something happens again?"

Mrs. Wu hurriedly said: "That's what I mean, Yun'er, just be obedient and go back with your mother-in-law!"

Xiangyun glanced at Mrs. Bai, pursed her lips, and said, "I'm still keeping my filial piety for Grandma Xie. I can't go back home. If Mom is worried about me, please send a few more people to protect me."


Bai flatly refused: "The bandits have all kinds of dirty tricks. No matter how many people are sent here, if they are making some incense, it will be in vain. They should go back to the house."

Before Xiangyun could speak, a voice suddenly came from the door.

"Let her live here!"

Mo Zili walked in with his usual indifference, met the two ladies, cupped his hands, and called respectfully: "Mother-in-law, mother----"

When Xiangyun saw him at first, she was a little scared. She threw herself into Mrs. Wu's arms like a frightened rabbit, looking at him in horror with her round eyes.

Mo Zili looked at the panicked Xiangyun and said softly: "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. If you want to stay here, just stay. I'll come and stay with you!"

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