Unfortunately, all this resulted in ruthless deception!

No wonder Xiangyun refused to go with him no matter what. He was indeed so stupid that he was being played by a little girl while being applauded without even realizing it!

However, he, Mo Zili, is not that easy to deceive. If she deceived him, she would have to repay him twice as much!

The carriage moved very fast. As soon as it entered the capital, the horses following the carriage separated from the carriage and went straight to Yingtian Mansion to pick up the people.

Mo Zili, with a dark face, fought directly back to the house.

At this time, Du Wanqing was running around in Qiu Shuangzhai with her heart full of oil. When she got up early, she heard that something had happened to Zhuang Zili. The young lady was attacked by gangsters. Fortunately, she was saved by an expert and escaped death. And Wangcai hasn't replied yet, I'm afraid he fell into the hands of that expert!

Wangcai is a mercenary villain, and it is impossible to keep her secret. Once captured, in order to protect himself, he has to confess her without torture. What should she do? what to do?

While he was running around anxiously, Yingyu's voice suddenly sounded outside: "Sir, you are back!"

Before she finished speaking, Mo Zili strode in with a destructive aura, and stared at her coldly with a pair of fire-breathing eyes, as if he wanted to burn her to ashes.

Du Wanqing was so frightened by Mo Zili's horrifying expression that she broke into a cold sweat. She said tremblingly, "Zi Li, what's wrong with you? Why are you looking at me like this?"


Mo Zili sneered and looked at her with cold eyes: "Let me ask you, where is the violet jade bracelet in the violet jade set I bought for you?"

Du Wanqing was startled, and her heart was beating wildly. Knowing that something was wrong, she smiled unnaturally and said, "You're so good, why are you asking about this?"

Mo Zili didn't have time to follow her around and asked again: "Where did that violet jade bracelet go? Tell me!" The last word was spoken in a fierce tone that she had never heard before.

Du Wanqing was so frightened that her heart almost jumped out of her chest. She could never admit that she was used to pay for the murder. If that was the case, it would be equivalent to pushing herself to death. He understood the man's temperament, and the reason why he I fall in love with her precisely because I love her untainted character. If I knew her true face, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to tolerate her in the first place!

However, the man pressed the question too hard and she had to answer. In desperation, she had to say: "I sold that bracelet!"

Mo Zili sneered, obviously not believing what she said, and said sarcastically: "Is the house in need of food or clothing for you? Do you want you to sell bracelets?"

Du Wanqing glanced at Mo Zili and said sadly: "Zi Li, you also know that I am not a serious master in this house. I came in with no name and no status. Later, the young lady was troubled because of the abortion." I left home in anger, which made everyone in the household dislike me. The servants were also prejudiced against me. Not only did they refuse to serve me well, but they also ran against me and excluded me overtly and covertly. I had no choice but to spend some money from time to time. Come and reward them, treat them to wine and tea, and your life will be a little easier."

"You know, I don't have much money, so I had to ask my mother to find Wangcai and ask him to help me sell my bracelet for some money to pay for my expenses. I didn't want to tell you these little things to annoy you, since you If I ask, I will tell you."

Du Wanqing had already made up her mind and decided to bite the bracelet to death. She asked Zhang's mother to give it to Wangcai to help sell it on her behalf, so that she could cover up the matter.

However, Mo Zili had already questioned Du Wanqing's character, so he did not believe her words.

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