He sneered and said: "I remember the day you first entered the house, you proposed to beat Wangcai to death with a stick. Why do you trust him so much now? That bracelet is very expensive. It is such a precious thing. How can you Are you sure you can leave it to him to sell?"

Du Wanqing said sadly: "I also know that he is unreliable, but I can't help it. I don't know anyone else, so I have to let him do it. "

Just as he was talking, Yingyu came to report: "Sir, Yingtian Mansion has sent Wangcai back and is waiting outside the second door!"

When Mo Zili heard this, he gritted his teeth and said, "Bring him in here, I want to interrogate him personally."

When Du Wanqing heard this, her heart trembled, and her face covered with scratches turned unnaturally pale. Mother Zhang, who was standing aside, was even more frightened than she was. Her body was shaking uncontrollably and she could hardly stand still.

Mo Zili glanced at Du Wanqing coldly, squeaked slightly, and walked towards the yard.

As soon as Mo Zili left, Zhang's mother said in despair, "Girl, what should I do? That boy Wangcai will definitely confess us. Can you think of something quickly?"

Du Wanqing's face turned pale as she murmured: "God forbid me, who would have thought that more than a dozen people could not kill her, and that she would be captured alive?"

"Hey, girl, please stop saying these useless things. What should we do now? Hey! I have been harmed by you!" Mrs. Zhang was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. He stopped and walked around the room, forgetting all the rules.

Du Wanqing clenched her fists and said, "There is no other way. I just insist that you asked him to sell the bracelet. Otherwise, we will both die without a burial place!"

Wangcai hadn't planted anything yet as Du Wanqing thought. After being brought into the yard, he saw a charcoal basin and several torture instruments placed in the yard, and he screamed like a pig.

"My lord, my lord, please, for the sake of my love for growing up with you, please spare my life. I was just confused and did such a thing. I don't dare to do it anymore!"

As he said that, he banged his head at Mo Zili. After a few blows, his head was broken.

Mo Zili sat on a master's chair in the middle of the yard with his majesty, looked at Wangcai kneeling on the ground with a sinister look, and after a long while he spoke coldly.

"Who told you to do this! Come from the truth!"

Wangcai said without hesitation: "Miss Du sent Mrs. Zhang to find the servant and instruct the servant to do it. She also said that the young master hated the young lady and wished her to die, so he had tacitly allowed her to do this. The servant also met the young master because of In the past, I really only liked Miss Du and disliked the Young Madam very much, so I believed that I really found someone to do it. Otherwise, even if I borrowed ten of my courage, I would not dare to do it. I asked the young master for a clear warning, but I was deceived for a while. Whoever did such a stupid thing, please forgive me for the sake of our friendship growing up together..."

After saying that, he kowtowed to Mo Zili again.

Mo Zili sneered coldly: "Deceived? What happened to the three hundred taels of silver and the purple jade bracelet?"

Wangcai Qing knew that he couldn't hide it, so he cried: "That was the reward from Miss Du. She asked her servants to lead people to kidnap the young lady first, and then kill her..."

"You're talking nonsense, you're lying----"

Du Wanqing, who was in the room, rushed out, pointed at Wangcai and shouted out of control: "I just asked you to help me make a bracelet? When did I ask you to kill the young lady? It's obvious that you know that the young lady has a unique Zhuangzi. He had malicious intentions, but after the incident was revealed, he blamed me instead. It was so vicious!"

Wangcai was startled by Du Wanqing who suddenly rushed out!

The Du Wanqing in front of her was so scary, her face was red and swollen, like a big steamed bun, her once alluring big eyes were squeezed into a gap, and her face was covered with scratches like earthworms. , arranged irregularly one by one, looks extremely disgusting!

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