Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1272 The truth comes out (1)

Wangcai came back to his senses, straightened his neck and shouted: "Miss Du, you have a red mouth and white teeth, you have to speak with your conscience, you were clearly the one who sent Mrs. Zhang to make peace with me yesterday, the three of them The hundred taels of silver are still with our brothers, you can't deny it!"

When Du Wanqing heard this, she was so angry that she shed tears. She choked and said: "Wangcai, although you were demoted to Zhuangzi, it was all your own fault. Why do you want to hold a grudge against me? I am in charge of governing the country." The government is recuperating, and I don't have any money to pay for it. Where can I find three hundred taels of silver to bribe you? Even if you want to frame me, you should find a reasonable excuse!"

At this moment, Du Wanqing really didn't have any money around her. The three hundred taels of silver she sent to Mrs. Zhang to get her secret letter. The money she got from her mother, the Wang family, was saved from the household money that Mo Zili had given her before. What came down was all the savings of their mother and daughter.

Because she had just told Mo Zili that she had no money, it was easy to believe what she said now.

However, her arguments and tears did not move Mo Zili. At this time, he was sitting on the seat with his head half lowered. His expression could not be seen clearly. The only thing that could be seen was the streaks on his forehead. There were blue veins, and the fists on his knees were clenched tightly, making a cracking sound.

No one knows how angry he is now, he is so angry that he wants to jump up and kill someone!

These two bad men and women colluded with each other and worked together. If their scheme succeeded, what he would face now would be Xiang Yun's cold body after being raped and killed.

When he thought of this possibility, his heart ached as if he had been stabbed by a knife, his eyes turned red, and he wanted to kill them immediately!

Wang Caijian saw the veins on the young master's forehead and knew that the young master was on the verge of rage. At this moment, Du Wanqing wanted to pluck himself out and put all the blame on his head. Of course he would not do it. He had grown up with the young master since childhood. Da, he knew Mr. Li's temper and how terrifying he was when he was angry. If he was found guilty of murdering his mistress, Mr. Li would never leave him a way to survive.

After thinking about it, he looked directly into Du Wanqing's eyes and said loudly: "Girl, I have always done my best for the girl in the past. If it weren't for the girl, I wouldn't be in the situation I am in today. It would be fine if the girl didn't rescue me. How could I do it?" Is there any reason to frame someone up and add insult to injury? Aren’t you afraid that the servant will jump over the wall and reveal what she has done before? "

Du Wanqing understood that Wangcai was threatening her, but she was not afraid, because when the matter was investigated, Wangcai's responsibility was no less than hers, so she confidently said: "Wangcai, what do you want to frame me for? I advise you not to do anything. If you feel guilty and admit your crime obediently, maybe the master will spare your life because you have served him since childhood. If you are still restless, biting everywhere like a mad dog and making random accusations, the master will never do it. I'll let it go easily"

She choked back the last words, because at this moment, she saw Mo Zili, who had been silent, slowly raise his head, and his cold eyes captured them tightly, making them frightened. .

"Here comes----"

When he spoke, his voice was not loud, low and lengthy, but it sounded chilling.

"The slave is here!"

The four servants standing behind Mo Zili gave a thunderous shout, walked around to Mo Zili, and knelt down.

Mo Zili stared at Wangcai with a sinister look, gritted his teeth and said grimly: "Whether it was instigated by others or not, this dog slave intended to murder and insult his mistress. His crime is unforgivable. First, burn his two hand cannons." Burn until they are reduced to bones."

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